Why should Lispers have all the fun?
Yoink is a very small Scala library which provides Scala wrappers for Clojure's awesome persistent map classes.
- Java SE 6
- Scala 2.8 Beta1
First, specify Yoink as a dependency:
val codaRepo = "Coda Hale's Repository" at "http://repo.codahale.com/"
val yoink = "com.codahale" %% "yoink" % "1.1.0" withSources()
Second, use some persistent, immutable maps:
import com.codahale.yoink._
val tree = PersistentTreeMap("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2)
tree - "one"
The new collections framework in Scala 2.8 is awesome. Martin Odersky and Adriaan Moore's Fighting Bit Rot with Types is an excellent description of how the new collections are structured and how easy it is to add new collection implementations.
- yoink Clojure's sets
- yoink Clojure's list
- yoink Clojure's vector
Copyright (c) 2010 Coda Hale Published under The MIT License, see LICENSE