
Hypothetical design of a zero-knowledge contact discovery system

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A hypothetical design of a zero-knowledge contact discovery service (CDS).


The top-level goal is for clients to map their address books of phone numbers to user IDs (or other equivalent tokens), while preserving the following properties:

  1. The server only learns a phone number is in a client's address book when and if the client refers to their user ID.
  2. The client can only refer to a user ID iff they know the phone number for that user ID.
  3. The client cannot make offline guesses about phone numbers.



A server is initialized with a secret scalar, d_S, and a map of phone numbers to user IDs. The server creates an internal mapping of blinded data.

For each (p, u) pair, the server performs the following steps:

  1. Hashes the phone number to a point on the curve: P = hash2curve(p)
  2. Calculates the server-blinded phone number point: sP = [d_S]P
  3. Encodes the user ID via a bijective mapping (e.g. try-and-increment) as a point on the curve: U = encode2curve(p)
  4. Hashes the phone number: h = SHA256(p)
  5. Calculates the double-blinded phone number point: psU = [h*d_S]U

The server then groups pairs of (sP, hsU) values by an N-bit prefix of h.


A client is initialized with a secret scalar, d_C and a set of phone numbers {p_0…p_N}.

The Contact Discovery Flow

To map a phone number p to a user ID u, the client performs the following steps:

  1. Hashes the phone number: h = SHA256(p)
  2. Hashes the phone number to a point on the curve: P = hash2curve(p)
  3. Calculates the client-blinded phone number point: cP = [d_C]P

The client sends an N-bit prefix of h and cP to the server (not necessarily in the same request). The prefix of h can serve as an N-bit distinguisher of p, so N should be chosen to ensure a collision rate which preserves the privacy of p. cP cannot serve as a distinguisher of p without knowing d_C. Consequently, the server learns no information about p from this request.

The server calculates the double-blinded point scP = [d_S]cP and returns it along with a set of (sP, hsU) pairs with the corresponding prefix of h. Without d_S, the client cannot calculate P or U values, and cannot learn anything about the original p or u values. At most, the client learns the cardinality of the response set and can estimate the size of the server's full address book.

The client calculates the server-blinded point sP = [(1/d_C)]scP and searches for it in the set of pairs. If a pair exists with sP, the client calculates the server-blinded user ID point sU = [(1/h)]hsU. The client sends sU to the server, who fully unblinds it (U = [(1/d_S)]sU) and decodes the point into a user ID u (e.g. in order to connect the two users and i.e. without returning u to the client). The use of sU as a proxy for u allows the server to keep u values entirely private (if desired), and the server only learns of the client's knowledge of p when and if the client attempts to use that client.

Finally, an attacker attempting to discover whether the server has specific p values will be unable to do so without making online requests and can thus be rate-limited.

Bucket Size

Assuming a user base of 100M users, a 15-bit hash prefix would yield buckets of around 3K phone numbers, with a total response size of 197KiB. A 12-bit hash prefix would yield buckets of around 25K phone numbers, with a total response size of 1.54MiB.


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