
React Native boilerplate for Micro Front Ends

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to use

We use pnpm to manage dependencies. Learn how to install pnpm here


Install dependencies for all apps:

pnpm install

[Optional] Install pods where applicable

pnpm pods

Pods might sometimes be outdated, and they might fail to install, in that case you can update them by running:

pnpm pods:update


Start dev server for host and mini apps:

pnpm start
pnpm start:<app-name>

Or start dev server for a specific app as a standalone app. It's useful for testing micro-frontend as a standalone app:

pnpm start:standalone:<app-name>

Running the mini app as a standalone requires running the catalog-server and auth module:

pnpm start:catalog
pnpm start:auth

Or run commands concurrently:

pnpm concurrently -P "pnpm start:catalog" "pnpm start:auth"

Run iOS or Android app (ios | android):

pnpm run:<app-name>:<platform>

For Android, make sure to reverse adb ports:

pnpm adbreverse

There is no start:shell script to avoid running shell and host app concurrently. It's not possible to run shell and host app concurrently, since they use the same port. If you want to run shell app, you should run pnpm start:standalone:shell and then run each mini app bundler you want to use in shell app.


Run tests for all apps:

pnpm test


Run linter for all apps:

pnpm lint

Type check

Run type check for all apps:

pnpm typecheck