
[BUG] dependent find variable under Linux

Kampouse opened this issue · 2 comments

while trying to build your library the makefile for Linux
was trying to execute find with an absolute path:
while this work for cygwin certain linux distribution could have there executable
somewhere else
like Nixos in my case ; this can cause a "file not found"
i made a possible solution to this:

DETECTED_OS := $(shell uname -s)

ifeq ($(DETECTED_OS),Linux)





SHDR	=	src/mlx_vert.c src/mlx_frag.c

SHDRSRC=	shaders/default.frag shaders/default.vert

LIBS	=	$(shell $(FIND) ./lib -iname "*.c")

SRCS	=	$(shell $(FIND) ./src -iname "*.c") $(SHDR) $(LIBS)

i was about to package your library in a nix package so it can be deployed easly with certain version

I have never heard of Nixos or any Linux distro where find is not located at /usr/bin/find.
I can look into it I suppose.

Sorry but I don't think I will cover some form of niche linux distro that has an issue with having find somewhere else. I suggest you just fix this on your end instead as this provides no benefit to anybody but users of NixOS :/