
Improved version of xsd.exe

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Improved version of xsd.exe.

This version enables:

  • List based collections in generated types
  • Auto-capitalization of properties
  • Nullable attribute types
  • Removal of DebuggerStepThrough attribute


Command line:

xsd2.exe <schema file> [/o:<output-directory>] [/ns:<namespace>] /all

Example running for embedding in your CSPROJ (C# project):

    <!-- XsdFilesPath points here to current folder. It can poing for example to external folder, like ..\..\sdk\schema\ -->

    <None Include="$(XsdFilesPath)**\*.xsd" />
    <XSDFile Include="$(XsdFilesPath)**\*.xsd" />
    <!-- Monitor whether files are changed so the Inputs/Outputs comparision below will re-generate -->
    <UpToDateCheckInput Include="$(XsdFilesPath)**\*.xsd" />

    <Compile Update="*.cs">
      <!-- This will make Visual Studio fold each generated file under its xsd source -->

  <Target Name="GenerateSerializationClasses" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild" Inputs="@(XSDFile)" Outputs="@(XSDFile -> '%(Filename).cs')">
    <Message Importance="High" Text="Generating Schema classes: %(XSDFile.Identity)" />
    <Exec Command="$(Xsd2Exe) %(XSDFile.Identity) /o:$(ProjectDir) /ns:SomeNamespaces.Interfaces.Schema" />

  <Target Name="CleanGeneratedFiles" BeforeTargets="Clean">
      <_FilesToDelete Include="*.cs"/>
    <Delete Files="@(_FilesToDelete)"/>
