
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

License: AGPL v3


Play with friends


Create project with nuxt: https://nuxtjs.org/ Vuetify, Jest, SPA

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout Nuxt.js docs.

Deployment Setup

Login to firebase with

  firebase login

and initialise the project with

  firebase init

You will want to enable the database, storage and hosting modules. There will be a lot of questions, but the defaults are fine here, except that you should set the public folder to 'dist'.

You can then deploy your site with

  npm run build
  firebase deploy

or alternatively

  npm run fdeploy

Additional configuration for push notifications and e-mail sending is described below. If you haven't created the associated configuration files vapid-key.ts, vapid-key.js and smtp-credentials.ts, your build / deploy my fail with an error.

Test Firebase on localhost

To run the Firebase server locally:

  npm run build
  firebase serve

Nuxt Firebase Auth setup

As described here: https://www.davidroyer.me/blog/nuxtjs-firebase-auth/ (plus some linting)

Push notifications

There is support for push notifications in the application. You will need to generate the Application Server Keys, as described here: https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/push-notifications/subscribing-a-user

When you have your Vapid Key, you will need to create a file ./functions/src/vapid-key.ts with the following content:

export const vapidKey: vapid.Key = {
  pub: '[YOUR PUBLIC KEY]',
  secret: '[YOUR PRIVATE KEY]',

and on the client side, a corresponding file with just the public part that the client can use at ./model/vapid-key.js:

export const vapidKey = {
  pub: '[YOUR PUBLIC KEY]',

Email sending functionality

The server sends emails to users to enable features like non-push notifications and invitations. The current implementation uses AWS SES. You will need to generate API keys for an IAM user with permission for SendEmail and SendRawEmail, and include the details in a file in ./functions/src/smtp-credentials.ts:

export const smtpCredentials = {
  accessKeyId: '[YOUR ACCESS KEY ID]',
  secretAccessKey: '[YOUR SECRET ACCESS KEY]',
  region: '[YOUR AWS REGION]',


Startup errors in dev

If you have trouble running the development server, it might be that there are not enough kernel watches available. You might see an 'ENOSPC' error from Node when you run npm run dev. In this case:

sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288

User login errors on mobile / web

If you are unable to login to up, check in the browser console what errors you see.

If you see xsrfmanager undefined reference, try disabling extensions like Ad Block or HTTPS Everywhere.

If login is failing silently and just returning you to the landing page, check that you have third-party cookies enabled in your browser security / privacy settings.