
Manage issues (and relationships between them) via CSV files

Primary LanguagePython


I very often need to programmatically create issues and their dependencies; this is a tool I've written for managing issues in Jira via a CSV file describing those issues.


Create a CSV file having the following columns:

  • ID: (Required) A human-defined ID for this record. This is used for helping you indicate dependencies for entries not yet having ticket numbers in Jira.
  • Summary: (Required) A summary for your issue.
  • Size: A sizing, in story points, for your issue.
  • Description-related fields; these will be joined into a single description field in Jira:
    • Description: A description for your issue.
    • Details: Some details about your issue.
    • Story: A user story for your issue.
    • Notes: Some notes for your issue.
  • Labels: A space-separated list of labels to add to your issue. Will be combined with --label options provided at the command-line.
  • Issuetype: The name of the type of issue to create. If undefined, will fallback to use --issuetype command-line argument.
  • Depends: A comma-separated list of dependencies for this issue. This can be either an ID as specified in another row's id field or a Jira ticket number.

Run the following command, replacing MYPROJECT with the short name of the Jira project you would like these issues created within:

csv-to-jira create-issues /path/to/csv/file.csv MYPROJECT

Your issues will be created, and the file you referenced will be updated to include a column indicating the ticket numbers for the issues created.

See create-issues below for more options.



Create a digraph showing your CSV & its inter-issue dependencies.


Create any issues (or relationships) described in your CSV that do not currently exist in Jira.

Extra options:

  • --setfield: Set a particular issue field to a particular value. E.g.: --setfield="myfield=myvalue". Can be specified multiple times to set multiple fields' values.
  • --label: Add a label to created issues. E.g.: --label=frontend. Can be specified multiple times to add multiple labels.
  • --issuetype: Select an issue type for your issue. By default: Story.
  • --relationship: Select the type of relationship used for indicating dependencies. By default: Blocks.