Tigris Trade contest details

  • Total Prize Pool: $90,500 USDC
    • HM awards: $63,750 USDC
    • QA report awards: $7,500 USDC
    • Gas report awards: $3,750 USDC
    • Judge + presort awards: $15,000
    • Scout awards: $500 USDC
  • Join C4 Discord to register
  • Submit findings using the C4 form
  • Read our guidelines for more details
  • Starts December 09, 2022 20:00 UTC
  • Ends December 16, 2022 20:00 UTC

C4udit / Publicly Known Issues

The C4audit output for the contest can be found here within an hour of contest opening.

Note for C4 wardens: Anything included in the C4udit output is considered a publicly known issue and is ineligible for awards.


Tigris is a leveraged trading platform that utilizes price data signed by oracles off-chain to provide atomic trades and real-time pair prices. Open positions are minted as NFTs, making them transferable. Tigris is governed by Governance NFT holders.

The oracle aggregates real-time spot market prices from CEXs and sign them. Traders include the price data and signature in the trade txs.

For people that want to provide liquidity, they can lock up tigAsset tokens (such as tigUSD, received by depositing the appropriate token into the stablevault) for up to 365 days. They will receive trading fees through an allocation of Governance NFTs, which get distributed based on amount locked and lock period.

Project documentation

LayerZero Docs


List all files in scope in the table below -- and feel free to add notes here to emphasize areas of focus.

Contract SLOC Purpose Libraries used
contracts/Trading.sol 794 Contains most trading contract logic @openzeppelin/*
contracts/TradingExtension.sol 195 Some trading logic is delegated this contract @openzeppelin/*
contracts/utils/TradingLibrary.sol 76 Verifies oracle signature, calculates PnL and liquidation price. Checks against Chainlink's public price feeds. @openzeppelin/*
contracts/Position.sol 219 Position NFT that stores all position data @openzeppelin/*
contracts/PairsContract.sol 106 Stores info about pairs such as open interest and fees @openzeppelin/*
contracts/Referrals.sol 56 Stores referral codes and referred addresses @openzeppelin/*
contracts/GovNFT.sol 263 NFT that utilizes LayerZero for bridging and contains token reward distribution logic @openzeppelin/*
contracts/StableToken.sol 46 Mintable and burnable ERC20 @openzeppelin/*
contracts/StableVault.sol 66 Holds liquidity for StableToken @openzeppelin/*
contracts/Lock.sol 87 Manages bond interaction logic for end-users @openzeppelin/*
contracts/BondNFT.sol 284 Bond NFTs minted by locking StableTokens and is managed by Lock.sol @openzeppelin/*
contracts/utils/MetaContext.sol 27 Context overridden for meta transactions @openzeppelin/*
contracts/interfaces/IBondNFT.sol 36 Bond interface
contracts/interfaces/IGovNFT.sol 7 Gov NFT interface
contracts/interfaces/ILayerZeroEndpoint.sol 19 LayerZero endpoint interface
contracts/interfaces/ILayerZeroReceiver.sol 4 LayerZero receiver interface
contracts/interfaces/ILayerZeroUserApplicationConfig.sol 7 LayerZero Config interface
contracts/interfaces/IPairsContract.sol 22 Pairs contract interface
contracts/interfaces/IPosition.sol 48 Position NFT interface
contracts/interfaces/IReferrals.sol 7 Referrals contract interface
contracts/interfaces/IStableVault.sol 7 StableVault interface
contracts/interfaces/ITrading.sol 101 ITrading interface

Out of scope

  1. contracts/Forwarder.sol
  2. contracts/Faucet.sol
  3. contracts/NFTSale.sol
  4. contracts/Timelock.sol
  5. contracts/Forwarder.sol
  6. contracts/GovNFTBridged.sol
  7. contracts/utils/ExcessivelySafeCall.sol
  8. contracts/mock/*
  9. External libraries: @openzeppelin/*
  10. deployments folder (note: the source code of the deployments is different from the code currently being audited)

Additional Context

  • Signatures will be valid for 2-5 sec depending on the chain.
  • BlockDelay would be ~2x valid signature time in blocks.
  • Governance NFTs use LayerZero for bridging.
  • The two external calls are LayerZero's endpoint and chainlink public price feed.

Scoping Details

- If you have a public code repo, please share it here:  Repo is private
- How many contracts are in scope?:   22
- Total SLoC for these contracts?:  2477
- How many external imports are there?:  4
- How many separate interfaces and struct definitions are there for the contracts within scope?:  20
- Does most of your code generally use composition or inheritance?:   yes
- How many external calls?:   2
- What is the overall line coverage percentage provided by your tests?:  98.5%
- Is there a need to understand a separate part of the codebase / get context in order to audit this part of the protocol?:  false 
- Please describe required context:   
- Does it use an oracle?:  true; our own signature-based oracle
- Does the token conform to the ERC20 standard?:  true
- Are there any novel or unique curve logic or mathematical models?: none
- Does it use a timelock function?:  yes
- Is it an NFT?: we have 2 nfts
- Does it have an AMM?:   no
- Is it a fork of a popular project?:   false
- Does it use rollups?:   true
- Is it multi-chain?:  true
- Does it use a side-chain?: true



  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install dependencies
  3. npx hardhat test for gas reports
  4. npx hardhat coverage for coverage