
Content pages, bootstrap3 menu builder and page-specific header tag helpers for your Rails app

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Effective Pages

Content pages and page-specific header tag helpers for your Rails app.

Create content pages ontop of one or more templates -- just regular Rails views -- that you define and control.

Use this gem to create a fully-functional CMS that provides full or restricted editing for your end users.

Upgrading to 3.9.0

Add a migration

class UpgradeEffectivePagesThreeNine < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
  def change
    # Add a counter cache
    add_column :pages, :menu_children_count, :integer, default: 0

Run a one time script

# rake upgrade_effective_pages_to_three_nine
task upgrade_effective_pages_to_three_nine: :environment do
  puts "Starting effective pages 3.9.0 upgrade"

  Effective::Page.where(menu_children_count: 0).find_each do |page|
    Effective::Page.reset_counters(page.slug, :menu_children)

  puts 'All done'

effective_pages 3.0

This is the 3.0 series of effective_pages.

This requires Twitter Bootstrap 4 and Rails 6+

Please check out Effective Posts 0.x for more information using this gem with Bootstrap 3.

Getting Started

Please first install the effective_regions and effective_datatables gems.

Please download and install Twitter Bootstrap4

Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'effective_pages'

Run the bundle command to install it:

bundle install

Then run the generator:

rails generate effective_pages:install

The generator will install an initializer which describes all configuration options and creates a database migration.

If you want to tweak the table name (to use something other than the default 'pages', 'menus', 'menu_items'), manually adjust both the configuration file and the migration now.

Then migrate the database:

rake db:migrate

Add the following helper to your application layout in the <head>..</head> section. This will properly create <title> and <meta description> tags based on the Effective::Page and the controller instance variables @page_title and @meta_description for non Effective::Page routes. It will also create additional Open Graph tags based on the initializer.

= effective_pages_header_tags

There are no required javascript or stylesheet includes, but you will want to ensure there is an Open Graph compatible image available in your assets folder.

Post Installation

Once the above Getting Started tasks have been completed, there are still a few small things that need to be initialized and configured.

The documentation for these post-installation tasks is split up into the following Pages and Menus sections.


To create your first content page, visit /admin/pages and click New Page.

This first page will be created with the provided example page view template and allow you to immediately jump into the effective_regions editor when you click Save and Edit Content.

This page will be available on your website at a route matching the slugified title.

View Template and Layout

Every Effective::Page is rendered by a regular Rails view file and layout. The same as any standard Rails #show action.

When creating a Page, if the app/views/layouts/ directory contains more than one layout file, you will be able to choose which layout to use when displaying this Page. If your Rails app contains only the default application layout then this layout will be used.

As well, when creating your Effective::Page object, if the app/views/effective/pages/ directory contains more than one view file, you will be able to choose which view is used to display this Page.

When this gem's installation generator is run, the app/views/effective/pages/example.html.haml page view template is created. To add additional page view templates, just create more views in this directory.

An example of a two-column layout I like to create is as follows:


  = simple_effective_region page, :header do
    = page.title

    = effective_region page, :left do
      %p this is default left column content
    = effective_region page, :right do
      %p this is default right column content

You can add anything to these page views. The views are not required to contain any effective_regions, but then they wouldn't be user-editable.


All Effective::Page pages are immediately available to your application at a url matching the slugified title.

This gem's page routes are evaluated last, after all your existing routes. This may cause an issue if you create an Effective::Page titled Events but you already have a route matching /events such as resources :events. You can edit the Effective::Page object and set the slug to a value that does not conflict.

To find the path for an Effective::Page object:

page = Effective::Page.find_by_title('My Page')


If you would like to use an Effective::Page for your home/root page, add the following to your routes.rb:

root to: 'effective/pages#show', id: 'home'

and make sure a page with slug home exists.

Header Tags

Your layout needs to be configured to set the appropriate html <title> and <meta> tags.

In your application layout and any additional layouts files, add the following to the <head> section:

= effective_pages_header_tags

This helper inserts a <title>...</title> html tag based on the @page_title instance variable, which you can set anywhere on your non-effective controllers, and whose value is set to the @page.title value when displaying an Effective::Page.

This helper also inserts a <meta name='description' content='...' /> html tag based on the @meta_description instance variable, which you can set anywhere on your non-effective controllers, and whose value is set to the @page.meta_description value when displaying an Effective::Page. This tag provides the content that search engines use to display their search results. This value will automatically be truncated to 150 characters.

This helper will also warn about missing @page_title and @meta_description variables. You can turn off the warnings in the config file.

This helper is entirely optional and in no way required for effective_pages to work.

Body Tag Classes

Another optional helper. Add the following to your <body> tag:

%body{class: effective_pages_body_classes}

to apply the following html classes: params[:controller], params[:action], signed-in / not-signed-in, @page.template and any thing set in the @body_classes instance variable.

This provides a mechanism to easily target CSS styles for specific pages.

This helper is entirely optional and in no way required for effective_pages to work.

Google Analytics GTag Script Helper

Only works with Turbolinks.

Include the effective_pages.js javascript file in your asset pipeline.

//= require effective_pages

Add the following inside your <head> tag:

  = effective_pages_google_analytics

Set the GA4 code in your config/initializers/effective_pages.rb as so:

config.google_analytics_code = 'G-1234567890'

This will render the google analytics script tags when running in production mode.


When creating a Page, if you've also installed the effective_roles gem, you will be able to configure user access on a per-page basis.

Use this functionality to create member-only type pages.


All authorization checks are handled via the effective_resources gem found in the config/initializers/effective_resources.rb file.


The permissions you actually want to define are as follows (using CanCan):

can :index, Effective::Page
can(:show, Effective::Page) { |page| page.roles_permit?(user) }

if user.is?(:admin)
  can :admin, :effective_pages

  can(crud, Efective::Page)
  can(crud - [:new, :create, :destroy], Effective::PageSection)

  can(crud - [:destroy], Effective::PageBanner)
  can(:destroy, Effective::PageBanner) { |pb| pb.pages.length == 0 }


If you use pg_search then Effective::Pages will be also included on its multisearch by default, allowing you to search across all pages.


MIT License. Copyright Code and Effect Inc.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Bonus points for test coverage
  6. Create new Pull Request