Thirst is a web application for cocktail rating and recomendations.
- Product Owner: Artem Bakalov
- Scrum Master: Igor Stefanco
- Development Team Members:
- Ben Hejkal
- Victoria Tapia
- Node ^0.12.7
- Npm ^2.14.2
- Neo4j 2.3.1
If neo4j is not installed follow instructions here: Note: Oracle Java 8 may be required for some systems
Create a local config.js file in the root directory with the following code and update the neo4j username and password.
module.exports = {
neo4jAuth: {
'password': 'YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE'
absolut: {
'appId': '5761',
'apiKey': '0f80b9b651e546ceb4fbe3ef9360c14a',
'appSecret': 'd0eb2a88bedd4b3c8ad1e3b4f04a30fa'
Run the following command in terminal:
npm install
Run local neo4j server:
neo4j start
Run local server with nodemon or npm:
npm start
nodemon bin/www
The application should be on http://localhost:3000/ . The neo4j server should be on http://localhost:7474/ .
See for contribution guidelines