
Ranger integration in vim and neovim

Primary LanguageVim Script


Ranger integration in vim and neovim



Install it with your favorite plugin manager. Example with vim-plug:

    Plug 'francoiscabrol/ranger.vim'

If you use neovim, you have to add the dependency to the plugin bclose.vim:

    Plug 'rbgrouleff/bclose.vim'

How to use it

The default shortcut for opening Ranger is <leader>f (\f by default) To disable the default key mapping, add this line in your .vimrc or init.vim: let g:ranger_map_keys = 0

then you can add a new mapping with this line: map <leader>f :Ranger<CR>.

The command for opening Ranger in the current file's directory is :Ranger. Vim will open the selected file in the current window. To open the selected file in a new tab instead use :RangerNewTab.

For opening Ranger in the current workspace, run :RangerWorkingDirectory. Vim will open the selected file in the current window. :RangerWorkingDirectoryNewTab will open the selected file in a new tab instead.

List of commands:

Ranger // open current file by default
RangerCurrentFile // Default Ranger behaviour


The old way to make vim open the selected file in a new tab was to add let g:ranger_open_new_tab = 1 in your .vimrc or init.vim. That way is still supported but deprecated.

If you want to see vim opening ranger when you open a directory (ex: nvim ./dir), please add this in your .(n)vimrc.

let g:NERDTreeHijackNetrw = 0 // add this line if you use NERDTree
let g:ranger_replace_netrw = 1 // open ranger when vim open a directory