
A core blockchain build with python and flask framework for frontend. Some of the components are private and public key, transaction, mine, memory pool, fee calculation, target difficulty, peer-2-peer network, broadcast blocks, resolve conflicts, UTXOS etc.

Primary LanguagePython

Custom Python Blockchain

  1. Let's create the directory structure first Root folder Blockchain, under that Backend, Frontend and client. Under Backend, core and util.
  2. Inside cre create a file name block.py and create a class name Block. Inside __init__ method talke Height, Blocksize, BlockHeader, TxCount, Txs variables
  3. Create a new module blockheader.py, create a class call BlockHeader. Inside the __init__ method will take version, prevBlockHash, merkleRoot, timestamp, bits and declare self.nonce = 0 , self.blockHash = ''