Crowdsource your view
A new word: "UserTweaks"
(to tweak: "improve (a mechanism or system) by making fine adjustments to it.")
Crowd-Sourcing universal CSS Tweaks to refine, renew, reimagine the web.
- One-fit-all. The web as a CSS(/js)-collaboration / wiki
- "Rule of the game": Everybody gets/runs every tweak, as long as that is voted in consensus >80% "Yes". Every user can be asked again later. Disabling a tweak might change your vote to "No".
- This will motivate thoughtfulness, unexpected help, wonderful creativitiy:
- Deleting useless things
- Enlarging tiny inputs
- Correcting fake news in place
- 'Online-StreetArt'
- ...
- Holy-Grail: Rules that will be applied globally (if any) or on wide URL-matches such as *.org|edu|gov.
- JS tweaks are optional and/or require higher/better consensus/voting than just css or html (with no external sources)
- i.e. a one-fit-all crowdsourced game/rule included and no login required.
- Not only for devs css-peeper, user js&css, Live css,less,sass
- Nor "Remix the web"-niche for style-nerds
- vs. (Currently mostly themes/playful. Easy adjustability tho already)
- vs. UserScripts (Require security review. Same as browser extensions. )
- This will motivate thoughtfulness, unexpected help, wonderful creativitiy:
let's collect examples: 1. The google analytics filter field is very small since ages. It also is very far on the right.
Lets make it just a little better:
.ID-filterBox { width:190px !important; font-size: 14px !important; height: 21px !important;}
2. Youtube's sidebar is very bold and contrasty, compared to actuall videos. Lets counter balance that by just 12% transparency:
#secondary {opacity:0.88}
3. The following two github standard labels can be boring / unnecessary to watch, so lets make them just a bit less visible:
a[data-name^='help wanted'], a[data-name^='good first issue'] {opacity: 0.80; transform:scale(0.96);}
(Current method: Our extension: )