
(50% 75%) [100%] 150% (200%) subtitle font size

Closed this issue · 5 comments

must be some of the edits of satus.js or menu/skeleton

(might be good to review, even if it needs not to be fixed? @raszpl)

Thats because I havent finished #2220
in my private built it all works fine :]

please revert 68d362d, instead add value: -2

( final only for today. )

331bb1c equally bad :) fixed in #2262

edit: That was not fair just calling it bad, Im sorry :( What I meant was swapping options around doesnt reflect YT option order

While I was there I also consolidated all subtitle font options into one seeing they all did same thing #2263

Yes, while showing 50% by default wasn't consistent with our other drop-down,
ordered by size and pre-selecting/marking 100% as an index will be closer to Youtube's version (And one could make the lower values appear on top of the dropdown too even). (Besides that taking ~5 clicks people might just use it once set&forget - or rarely (unlike #1445 etc.) (And another order would be the [assumed] frequency of usage in our extension. )

And every number can come with a slider, allowing 50%-300% maybe. (And an input with no limits, or a bit wider range like 20-800)

  • Every number could also come with 1. a slider and 2. a toggle to default to the average or a drop-down if there are multiple peaks in the range. (3. the input - All three things in one button or row.) (and a slider can have a finer range, near the peak/s. automatically so if we collect settings data.) [<----------[▿85%▵]-->]▼
