
ultimate GUI element. (2. a consolidated list of current UI tasks/requests)

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We should be prepared to add unlimited features dynamically #2251 (and not use various UI for no reason #2258 )

Next to toggles, a user input can be:

  • A number -[95%]+, or custom string [#FF0] (yellow color)
  • Or a predefined option, such as:
    • A drop-down (typically: ▼﹀🔽🔻 [yellow]▾ )
    • Auto-complete/suggestions (while typing)
    • Most common "#tags" in a row (or cloud formation)

All of such can coexist in one combined element each.

  • Every number could also come with 1. a slider and 2. a toggle to default to the average or a drop-down if there are multiple peaks in the range. (3. the input - All three things in one button or row.) (and a slider can have a finer range, near the peak/s. automatically so if we collect settings data.) [<----------[▿85%▵]-->]▼ ( ...similar )
    • Three things to also combine as one: 1. color picker + 2. lists of colors + 3. input (accepting six+ formats name, #hex, rgb, rgba. hsl, hsla)
  • combining <input> (keyboard) & dropdown:
    • Once clicking on a drop-down when the input is focused already, all options can appear (as usually) and the input can still receive a backspace key or space (which the dropdown ignored.) And if another letter is entered it can be applied to both (typed input & dropdown preselection) (still requiring another click or enter the dropdown selection as usual)
      • (and if no custom strings are possible, an input can be auto-completed as soon as soon as one or few letters are typed) (which is common)
  • ...

Current tasks:

  • Our drop-downs should stop to chase the eyes right and left and right, should they?
  • Our <input> numbers should have wider range (limits) than suggested by visual sliders, but the real limits
  • Hex color: Text input. Consolidating (closing): #718 #1969 (or any: #2161 (comment))

△▽ ▿▵◂▸ ≡☰ ⁝ ⋮ ↕️ ︿﹀ ︽︾ 〈 〉