
Helper for interacting with Iterables in a functional manner.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package provides helper functions for interacting with Iterable<T>s and AsyncIterable<T>s.

It supports TypeScript and traditional JavaScript.

yarn install functional-iterable


import f, {fAsync} from 'functional-iterable';

function* generator() {
	for(const item of [1, 2, 3])
		yield item;

async function* asyncGenerator() {
	for(const item of [1, 2, 3])
		yield item;

f(generator()).map(x => x + 1).toArray(); //[2, 3, 4]
fAsync(asyncGenerator()).reduce((acc, x) => acc + x, 0) //Promise<6>
f([1, 2, 3]).all(x => x < 4); //true


The exported function f() wraps an Iterable and offers helper methods on it. For all chainable functions, the returned value is also an Iterable usable in a for ... of loop or anywhere they might be used.

For fAsync, all methods return Promises or AsyncIterables and all callbacks may return Promises (or AsyncIterable where applicable) for their respective values.

all(fn: (item: T) => boolean): boolean

Returns true if all elements match the condition.

concat<U>(other: Iterable<U> | ...U): Iterable<T | U>

Returns a new Iterable that iterates first over the entries in this, then over those of other.

count(fn?: (item: T) => boolean): number

Counts the elements that match the given predicate, or the total count if none is given.

filter(fn?: (item: T) => boolean): Iterable<T>

Returns a new Iterable that only contains entries that match the given predicate.

flatMap<U>(fn: (item: T) => Iterable<U> | undefined): Iterable<U>

Returns a new Iterable containing any number of items for each element of the current one.

first(fn?: (item: T) => boolean): T | undefined

Returns the first element to match the given callback, or the first element if none is given.

includes(item: T): boolean

Returns whether the given element exists within the iterable.

map<U>(fn: (item: T) => U): Iterable<U>

Returns a new Iterable with the entries of the current one modified by the given mapper function.

reduce<U>(fn: (current: U, item: T) => U, current: U): U

Reduces the Iterable to a single value with a given accumulator function and starting value.

skip(count: number): Iterable<T>

Returns a new Iterable that iterates over and discards the given number of elements, then continues executing normally.

some(fn: (item: T) => boolean): boolean

Returns true if at least one element matches the condition.

take(count: number): Iterable<T>

Returns a new Iterable that stops after returning at most the given number of elements.

toArray(): T[]

Returns an array of all the entries in the Iterable.

toMap<U>(key: (item: T) => U): Map<U, T>

Returns a Map of all the entries in the Iterable, keyed by the given key function.

toSet(): Set<T>

Returns a Set of all the entries in the Iterable.

unique<U>(fn?: (item: T) => U): Iterable<T>

Makes sure the value selected by the function only exists once. If no function is given, the entries themselves are made unique.

Working with Objects

To conveniently iterate over an object, import fObj which returns a wrapper with the following methods.

entries(): Iterable<[keyof T, T[keyof T]]>

Returns an Iterable where each element is a tuple containing key and value.

keys(): Iterable<keyof T>

Returns an Iterable of the object's keys.

toMap(): Map<keyof T, T[keyof T]>

Creates a Map of the object's keys and values.

values(): Iterable<T[keyof T]>

Returns an Iterable of the object's values.


Helper functions are provided as properties of f to allow for easy creation of Iterables.

f.range(from: number, to: number): Iterable<number>

Returns an Iterable that includes all the numbers in the (inclusive) range defined by the two given numbers.

f.while<T>(fn: () => T): Iterable<T>

Returns an Iterable that calls the given function repeatedly and yields the result unless and until it is falsy.