You will need to set the following environment variables (requires a Polygon Scan account, a Wallet and an Alchemy account):
The script
is for testing (although it can be used for real) - it contains each function call separately (deploy + mint) and they cannot be run together. Change the last line to decide the operation you want to perform. Also, update theNFT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
to the value that suits you. -
The script
is intended for production - it will do both operations in one go.
To run them:
Testnet: npx hardhat run scripts/process.js --network mumbai
Mainnet: npx hardhat run scripts/process.js --network polygon
Deploying to the Polygon Mumbai Testnet produced this address 0xc209DEE07407E1dc7851DdF12717b4B698044B97
Deploying to the Polygon Mainnet produced this address 0x8b534754a17d48753966f4bEf3BF2c661B46F5c5
After minting (Mumbai): NFT in OpenSea
After minting (Polygon): NFT in OpenSea