Code Mentoring

Project CM

Project CM is an open-source collaboration project from mentors and coders in the Code Mentoring community.

It's an innovation by the community at large for the sole purpose of learning. As such, anybody who is part of the community is welcome to join, learn and submit ideas.

Contributing and getting a "role"

Roles for Project CM are very informal guidelines for "who is working on what". That said, there are a few project maintainers who are more active with the project, and generally shape the roadmap/direction.

You can assign yourself a role by following the instructions in the document.

Getting Started


The Project-cm Project requires Node.js to install packages, and yarn package manager. You can grab these here (note that yarn will require Node.js to be installed first):

| Node.js | | | yarn | |

Note: It is advised to download the LTS version of Node.js

You will also need git to clone, pull, push and ultimately merge your contributions to this project.

Grab git here:

| git | |

If it's your first time using git, here is a tutorial that will be able to assist you on how you can start using it, along with a cheat sheet for referencing:

| git and github tutorial | | | git cheat sheet | |

Don't be afraid to message others on the slack channel if you run into difficulties either!


This is very easy to setup. Checkout the SETUP.MD for more details


We use (Lerna)[] to manage multiple packages (API & Client) in the same repo. To install the project on your machine:

  1. In your command line, type git clone and press enter
  2. Run yarn in the root folder
  3. Run yarn setup in the root folder

Running the project

The project is split up into two components, a client side and an API side. The client side will be focused on front-end features, and the API will be focused on back end features.

Running the API

To run the API in dev mode:

  1. In your terminal or powershell/cmd, navigate to packages/api/
  2. Type yarn build to build an initial build located in the dist directory - nodemon looks for an index.js file in the dist folder, if there isn't one an error will be thrown.
  3. Type yarn dev to begin watching for typescript file changes and nodemon

This will get your machine hosting the API on https://localhost:4000 unless specified otherwise by the output in your Terminal/Powershell/cmd

Running the client

To run the client:

  1. In your Terminal or powershell/cmd, navigate to packages/client/
  2. Type yarn dev

This will get your machine hosting the client on https://localhost:8080 unless specified otherwise by the output in your Terminal/Powershell/cmd

Running tests

At the moment, tests will be done on pull requests and will automatically run.