An API that gives Nobel laureate's data when requested through few simple routes.

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An API which gives data on all Nobel laureates.

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This API's source data is taken from public dataset here.

What is different here :

This API do not have any database, and uses an external JSON file. The API structures and provides various queries using client-side SQL like module called alasql.

Routes :

Users can access the list of routes mentioned below to get JSON data.

  • HOME ROUTE : This route is the home route of the API. This route can be accessed by https://nobelapi.herokuapp.com/

    example : NAPI_Home_Route

  • NAME : This route gives the Nobel laureates data based on their name. To access this route, https://nobelapi.herokuapp.com/name/{name_of_laureate}

    example :

    Req : https://nobelapi.herokuapp.com/name/rogerpenrose

    Res :

    "id": "988",
    "firstname": "Roger",
    "surname": "Penrose",
    "born": "1931-08-08",
    "died": "0000-00-00",
    "bornCountry": "United Kingdom",
    "bornCountryCode": "GB",
    "bornCity": "Colchester",
    "gender": "male",
    "prizes": [
    "year": "2020",
    "category": "physics",
    "share": "2",
    "motivation": "\"for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity\"",
    "affiliations": [
    "name": "University of Oxford",
    "city": "Oxford",
    "country": "United Kingdom"
  • BORNAT : This route gives a list of laureates for the given born country code.This route can be accessed by https://nobelapi.herokuapp.com/bornat/{Country_Code}

    example :

    Req : https://nobleapi.herokuapp.com/bornat/IN

    Res : Use the below url to get a view of response.


  • DIEDAT : This route gives a list of laureates for the given died country code.This route can be accessed using https://nobelapi.herokuapp.com/diedat/{Country_Code}

    example :

    Req : https://nobleapi.herokuapp.com/diedat/IN

    Res : Use the below url to get a view of response.


  • GENDER : This gives a list of laureates for a given gender.This can be accessed using https://nobelapi.herokuapp.com/gender/{GENDER}. The parameter {GENDER} should be a male or female in Lowercase.

    example :

    Req : https://nobleapi.herokuapp.com/gender/female

    Res : Use the below url to get a view of response.


  • GENDER AND BORN COUNTRY : This gives a list of laureates for a given gender born at given country. This can be accessed using https://nobelapi.herokuapp.com/{GENDER}/{Country_Code}. Here {Country_Code}denotes the born country.

    example :

    Req : https://nobleapi.herokuapp.com/gender/female/PL

    Res : Use the below url to get a view of response.


  • BORNAT AND DIEDAT : This gives a a list of laureates based on their born country and died country. One can combine parameters to get desired results using this route. This route can be accessed by https://nobelapi.herokuapp.com/bornat/{Country_Code_1}/diedat/{Country_code_2}. Here Country_Code_1 denotes born country and Country_Code_2 denotes died country.

    example :

    Req : https://nobleapi.herokuapp.com/bornat/IN/diedat/IN

    Res : Use the below url to get a view of response.


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    MIT License

    Copyright (c) 2021 Vishwa.R