This is a memory based game built for the MongoDB Atlas Hackathon. Players can create game lobbies and invite others using a link. They can simulataneously play the memory game and whoever finishes first, essentially wins and the game quickly ends as someone finishes the game as a winner.
When testing the app, please wait a while as the heroku instance (dyno) might still be down, since it is on a free teer. Once you log in, you can wait for a few seconds and try again to see everything working.
The game is built using Angular, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, NestJS, MongoDB 😄 (of course), and Firebase. Also, with a lot of and hardwork 💗. Which can be seen at either Twitch or YouTube as all of this was streamed LIVE with all my efforts, frustration, and small wins 😉.
The frontend of the app is deployed to Firebase Hosting while the backend (NestJS) is deployed to Heroku.
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