
A GenAI-powered script-to-video converter. Creates beautiful videos from text files. Automatically generates narration, images and audio effects. Can run locally with or without GPUs. This project is experimental in nature, crafted primarily for educational purposes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Emoji Video Generator

sample script converted to video

The objective of this project was to develop a straightforward system capable of converting a basic script stored in a text file into a video. The aim was to ensure simplicity to the extent that even individuals with a bit of creativity and typing skills could produce a movie effortlessly. This tool is designed to operate smoothly on a computer with 8 GB of memory, offering reasonable processing speeds even without GPUs. While initially intended for entertainment with GenAI, I believe that, in capable hands, it holds the potential to generate pretty cool content. This project is experimental in nature, crafted primarily for educational purposes

This software is intended solely for educational purposes. It is used at your own discretion and risk. Please be aware that the AI models utilized in this code may have restrictions against commercial usage.


sudo apt update
sudo apt install espeak ffmpeg
git clone https://github.com/code2k13/emoji_vid_gen
cd emoji_vid_gen
wget https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji/raw/main/fonts/NotoColorEmoji.ttf
pip install -r requirements.txt

Sample script

Note: A script should always start with a Image: directive

Image: Cartoon illustration showing a beautiful landscape with mountains and a road.
Audio: Tranquil calm music occasional chirping of birds.
Title: EmojiVidGen
🐼: Emoji vid gen is a tool to create videos from text files using AI.

How to run

python generate_video.py scripts/hello.txt hello.mp4

A full featured example

Image:  A single trophy kept on table. comic book style.
Audio: Upbeat introduction music for cartoon show.
Title: Emoji Quiz Showdown
🎤: "Welcome to the Emoji Quiz Showdown! Are you ready to test your knowledge?"
🐱: "Meow! I'm ready!"
🐶: "Woof! Let's do this!"
Image: Cartoon illustration of the Eiffel Tower.
🎤: "First question What is the capital of France?"
Audio: suspenseful music playing.
🐱: "Paris!"
Audio: people applauding sound
Image: Cartoon illustration of Mount Everest.
🎤: "Correct! One point for the cat! Next question  What is the tallest mountain in the world?"
Audio: suspenseful music playing.
🐶: "Mount Everest!"
Audio: people applauding sound
Image: Cartoon illustration of a water molecule.
🎤: "Right again! One point for the dog! Next question  What is the chemical symbol for water?"
Audio: suspenseful music playing.
🐱: "H2O!"
Audio: people applauding sound
Image: Cartoon illustration of a globe with seven continents.
🎤: "Correct! Another point for the cat! Last question How many continents are there on Earth?"
Audio: suspenseful music playing.
🐶: "Seven!"
Audio: people applauding sound
🎤: "Correct! It's a tie! You both did great! Thanks for playing the Emoji Quiz Showdown!"

The Narrator

The emoji '🎙️' is reserved as narrator. Using it at start of line will cause the system to only generated sound and not output any image on background.

Seeding character images

Sometimes you may not want to use emojis as characters in your video. In such cases you can use seed_character.py tool as follows

python3 seed_character.py add 🐿️  --filename squirrel.png 

The above commands instructs the video generation script to use squirrel.png every time the 🐿️ emojis is encountered. It is also possible to remove the character seeding by using:

python3 seed_character.py remove 🐿️

When seeding characters ensure that you use square images, background is removed from images and they are stored as PNG.

Use high quality text to image (SDXL-Turbo)(Recommended)

Create .env file if not present and add set following variable. Warning: You will need at least 16 GB RAM.


Using high quality TTS (Bark):

Create .env file if not present and add set following variable. Warning: This is super slow on CPU.


Using GPU

Create .env file if not present and add set following variable


Using pre-created assets

Ensure that asset files are present in .cache folder. Create the script in this manner

Image: .cache/existing_background_hd.png
Audio: Funny opening music jingle.
Title: EmojiVidGen
🐼: .cache/existing_speech.wav

Change default width and height of image

The default resolution is 1280x720. To change it set the following environment variables in .env file:


Note: This setting does affect the output of stable diffusion. Not all resolutions work that well. For more information checkout this https://replicate.com/guides/stable-diffusion/how-to-use/ . Stable Diffusion seems to work well with square aspect ratios.

Known issues

You will see this error message when using default TTS engine.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyttsx3/drivers/espeak.py", line 171, in _onSynth
    self._proxy.notify('finished-utterance', completed=True)
ReferenceError: weakly-referenced object no longer exists

Ignore this error for now as it does not affect the output.