
Collection of Community Customizations for the Vivaldi Web Browser, from multiple sources.

Primary LanguagePython

Update: Inactive, I don't really have time for this right now.

Collection of mods for the Vivaldi Web Browser pulled from many sources

IMPORTANT: These mods are pulled from outside sources and you should check for security issues before using.

To download, git clone recursively: git clone https://github.com/code3z/vmods_container.git --recursive

More details will be provided. Mods are collected from Git Repositories on github or other platforms such as gitlab. Mods are installed via LonMcGregor's custom.py script.

To participate, put your mods in a git repository and submit an issue.

To update this repository, I have created a collection_update.sh.

Before to update your own copy you should first backup mods/custom.js.