HTML Text to React
Lightweight function to help render strings with markup safely in React. Avoids using dangerouslySetInnerHTML and the cross-site-scripting risks that come with it.
Note: Does not support nested HTML tags.
Install this dependency
npm install html-text-to-react
import React from 'react';
import { createElementsFromText } from 'html-text-to-react';
createElementFromText(text, [options]);
returns an array of JSX.Element
import React from 'react';
import { createElementsFromText } from 'html-text-to-react';
const textWithMarkup = '<strong>Security Report</strong> has been created. Click <a href=">here</a> for more details.';
const SecurityReportText = () => (
<div>{ createElementsFromText(textWithMarkup) }</div>
const textWithMarkup = '<img src=""> Image Label.';
const SecurityReportImage = () => (
<div>{ createElementsFromText(textWithImgMarkup, {whitelistedHtmlTags: ['img'], whitelistedHtmlAttributes: ['src']}) }</div>
The default options are
whitelistedHtmlTags: ['a', 'strong'],
whitelistedHtmlAttributes: ['id', 'className', 'href', 'data-test', 'rel', 'target'],
whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',