Spotfire Solver

This is the Optaplanner service that applies the algorithm for optimizing a playlist.


  1. ASDF
  2. AWS Account
  3. A Spotify Account


  • asdf install to install the required tools specified in the .tool-versions file.


  • ./gradlew deploy

Running Locally

  1. Boot up the spotfire-website and the spotfire-api locally.
  2. Retrieve the access token from the running instance of the website, by opening it in your browser, clicking on the arrow on the top right corner and selecting Copy Access Token.
  3. Add environment variables to the running config for the SolverHanlderSpec. Required env are:
    • ACCESS_TOKEN (the one copied on step 2)
  4. Import a playlist using the spotfire-website
  5. Retrieve the file location for the imported playlist from the logs in the spotfire-api
  6. Add it to the EXTRACT_PATH in the SolverHandlerSpec.
  7. Run the SolverHandlerSpec