- 1
- 1
new signatory
#541 opened by mjhugh - 1
Please add me to the signatory list
#540 opened by samato88 - 2
Please add the British Columbia Library Association (BCLA)in support of c4l18-keynote-statement
#534 opened by BCLibraryAssociation - 1
Add signature
#532 opened by motropuk - 1
add signature
#525 opened by ValGillispie - 2
Add name
#524 opened by georgielynn - 1
Please add me to the signatory list
#523 opened by kozmoboxman - 2
add "Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)" as organizational signatory
#522 opened by aserljeb - 4
Add my name in support of Chris
#494 opened by janemnichols - 1
- 2
- 1
#509 opened by CorinneMiller - 1
Add my name (Stacy Torian) in support of Chris Bourg
#507 opened by sltori - 3
Sign letter for Chris Bourg
#499 opened by karenwilli - 1
Please add me too: Carolyn Caizzi
#490 opened by ccaizzi - 1
- 0
Add new names from #246
#479 opened by mjgiarlo - 1
David McCallum
#470 opened by mccallum - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Please add Ryan Clement
#426 opened by rkclement - 1
Please add Black Caucus of the American Library Association Support of Chris Bourg
#425 opened by soulcitysigma - 4
- 1
Please add my name to list of signatures
#417 opened by gschechter84 - 2
- 1
Please add Andy Ashton
#413 opened by andyashton12561 - 1
please add these names
#410 opened by ndushay - 1
Add my name!
#406 opened by tzanish - 1
- 1
New signatories
#391 opened by genevahenry - 1
please add to the signatories list
#396 opened by leaiadarola - 1
Please add me to list of signatories
#380 opened by ryanmerkley - 1
Please add me to the signatories list: Mary Beth Lock
#369 opened by lockmb - 1
- 1
add Lauren B. Collister to signatures
#366 opened by parnopaeus - 1
Add to signatories: Autumn Faulkner
#365 opened by autumnalia - 1
Add my signature
#364 opened by khage9 - 1
Please add me to the signatories list
#362 opened by aalangham - 1
Please add me to the signatories list: Ted Polley
#360 opened by polleyda - 1
Please add me to the signatories list
#359 opened by amyfiliatreau - 1
- 1
Please add me to the list -- Yoo Young Lee
#354 opened by yooylee - 1
Dee Magnoni
#350 opened by nowviskie - 1
Please add me to the list -- Aaron Collie
#349 opened by aaroncollie - 1
DuraSpace support for Chris Bourg
#348 opened by dhanken11 - 1
Please add me to the list of signatures
#339 opened by efc - 1
Please add my name
#340 opened by jolieg - 1
William Garrity
#334 opened by williamgarrity