
dataviz-with-chatgpt-sgrucza created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Dataviz With GPT

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Use ChatGPT to build something in a programming language they're not familiar with (D3) #learning-how-to-learn


This lesson assumes you are familiar with:

  • Basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Using GitHub



Part 1: Download the data

Download data of all 311 calls in Boston from 2023

wget -O boston_311_2023_raw.csv https://data.boston.gov/dataset/8048697b-ad64-4bfc-b090-ee00169f2323/resource/e6013a93-1321-4f2a-bf91-8d8a02f1e62f/download/tmpc0m94i5x.csv

Run pivot.py as shown below to make a new file that has the reasons for 311 calls and their counts

python pivot.py 

this will output a file called `boston_311_2023.csv

Part 2: Build a D3 visualization with ChatGPT

Use your knowledge of the vocabulary of HTML, CSS and JS to prompt ChatGPT. Your goal is to, with it's help, make a D3 visualization of all of the 311 calls in Boston from 2023.

  1. Make a bar chart of the top 10 reasons for 311 calls in the past year (hint: use the reason column in the data)
  2. The initial bar chart may not look quite right. With the help of ChatGPT, fix anything that looks immediately off (for example, sometimes the axis labels overlap or the bars are out of order etc...)
  3. Give the bar chart a good headline and subheadline
  4. Make the bar chart horizontal instead of vertical
  5. Change the default colors, text size, or anything else
  6. Add a citation for where the data comes from and give yourslves a chart authorship credit in the footnotes

Bonus: Create a button that shows an extended bar chart with all of the remaining counts of the reason column.

Part 3: Reflect

What worked? What didn't? Review your classmates' conversations with ChatGPT in Slack. Fill out an AI reflection form about your experience today.