Election monitoring app through which commissioned observers can easily report back to their respective NGOs throughout the election day.
- 8
Enhance result of GET /api/v1/form
#377 opened by aniri - 0
- 1
Update county related endpoints
#388 opened by aniri - 3
Add PUT and DELETE methods for notes
#347 opened by aniri - 1
Add delete endpoint for options from questions
#372 opened by aniri - 1
Form codes should be unique
#378 opened by aniri - 5
[BUG] Get all notifications crashes with 415
#370 opened by aniri - 2
Enhance POST endpoint for polling station info
#334 opened by aniri - 0
Add delete endpoint for questions
#373 opened by aniri - 0
Implement proper reuse of options
#371 opened by aniri - 7
- 2
[BUG] The import polling stations feature fails to import the last polling station from the xlsx file
#359 opened by aniri - 0
- 0
[BUG] Clear all polling stations endpoint fails when trying to delete all related data
#357 opened by aniri - 0
[BUG] Add 400 error with explanatory text in case a user tries to delete a form that already has added answers
#351 opened by aniri - 0
[BUG] Send notification fails with 500 in case of missing firebase tokens for some observers
#352 opened by aniri - 0
- 0
[BUG] Export all answers crashes with 404
#349 opened by aniri - 6
Add one more filter on GET /api/v1/answers
#299 opened by aniri - 0
Finalize note with multiple photos implementation
#312 opened by aniri - 0
Enhance PUT endpoint for observers
#338 opened by aniri - 1
- 3
- 1
Update ObserverCountQueryHandler to make it return the correct count for organizers
#335 opened by aniri - 0
- 4
Finalize PUT for forms endpoint implementation
#310 opened by aniri - 3
Add new endpoint for deleting a form section
#327 opened by aniri - 1
[Devops] Add github action for uploading docker image to dockerhub on merge to develop / master
#270 opened by aniri - 6
Investigate if data export speed could be improved
#317 opened by aniri - 10
[Notifications] Improve observers filtering
#268 opened by aniri - 0
Importing a list of observers twice will duplicate the observers in the database.
#321 opened by sandrohanea - 0
[Bug] Import file should not be stored for observers
#316 opened by aniri - 1
- 7
- 4
- 2
[BUG] 500 error thrown instead of not authorized
#275 opened by aniri - 0
[BUG] Upload note returns 404
#285 opened by aniri - 0
[BUG] Register notification token returns 500
#279 opened by aniri - 0
Implement delete forms endpoint
#282 opened by aniri - 0
[BUG] Question code value not saved for forms
#281 opened by aniri - 0
[BUG] Draft flag not saved for forms
#280 opened by aniri - 1
[BUG] Register notification token returns 500
#273 opened by aniri - 1
[BUG] Fix issues with counties endpoints
#274 opened by aniri - 2
- 0
[Code quality] Add sonar github action for uploading analysis on sonarcloud on push to develop/master
#271 opened by aniri - 0
- 1
[Counties] Add an order field to county entity
#252 opened by aniri - 1
[Counties] Feature to load information about counties
#253 opened by aniri - 1
- 1
Add an order field to forms entity
#248 opened by aniri