code4trade's Following
- beemanPubKey
- buzzlightila@mercadolivre
- bytemasterVirginia
- campoyApple
- dgrijalvaFitStar
- dyrgBrazil
- emesik
- fabpotSymfony/
- guipassosRhizom Foundation
- hdm@runZeroInc
- holimanStockholm, Sweden
- ibraimgm
- jankoButterflyMX
- jnewberyLondon, UK
- jonaslopesPhotonWave IT Services
- kristjank@Protokol @ARKecosystem
- luixavilesRemote Work
- michellecolinDelivery much
- moniquelive@cyberlabsai
- nnja@googlers
- Rafaela314@AvenueCode
- rafaelescrich@dfb-chain
- RoasbeefSan Francisco
- robpike
- scryfallThe Multiverse
- servetgulnarogluAnkara/Turkey
- sipa@chaincodelabs
- StephenGrider
- thiagozs@estellarxtech
- tianon@docker, but thoughts, comments, commits generally his own ("do not represent the views of Docker, Inc" etc etc)
- tjApex
- tnsantana
- vasconcelosvcd@multiplayerguys
- vbuterin
- whyrusleepingMana
- willystadnick