This repository contains exercises for Design systems for React developers and Resilient component libraries in React workshops.
Before attending the workshop, please make sure you can run the code in this repository.
Try the app or view the style guide.
Basic JavaScript, CSS and HTML experience is required. Following will be very useful:
- React experience;
- command line basics.
To learn React we recommend the official tutorial and The Beginner’s Guide to React course by Kent C. Dodds.
To learn command line basics we recommend Really Friendly Command Line Intro by Tracy Osborn.
We recommend nvm or n to install Node.js.
First, clone the repository, and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd component-driven-development
npm install
npm start
to work on exercises and run the completed app and style guide
npm run exercises-cdd
to work on exercisesnpm run styleguide
to run the completed style guidenpm run app
to run the completed app
npm run start-rcl
to work on exercises and run the completed app
npm run exercises-rcl
to work on exercisesnpm run app
to run the completed app
- React
- React Styleguidist
- styled-components
- styled-system
- Rebass Grid (former Grid Styled)
- Stack Styled
Artem Sapegin, Andrey Okonetchnikov and contributors.
This material is available for private, non-commercial use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. If you would like to use this material to conduct your own workshop, please contact us at
Icons: Ionicons, Font Awesome, Ilya Kolbin, Denis Sazhin.
Photos: Unsplash, Artem Sapegin.