
A simple concurrent HTTP testing tool

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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A simple concurrent HTTP testing tool


Write a simple test

Create a file tests.yaml with the following content:

  - description: 'root'  # Description, will be printed with test results
    request:             # Request to send
      path: '/'          # Path
    response:            # Expected response
      statusCodes: [200] # List of expected response status codes

Run tests locally

This program is distributed as a Docker image. To run a container locally:

docker run --rm \
    -v $(pwd)/tests.yaml:/tests/tests.yaml \
    -e "TEST_HOST=example.com" \

You should see an output similar to this:

passed:  tests.yaml | root | /

1 passed
0 failed
0 skipped

Tip: If your test cases have conditions on environment variables (see conditions in full example), remember to include -e "<ENV_VAR>=<value>". e.g.

docker run --rm \
    -v $(pwd)/tests.yaml:/tests/tests.yaml \
    -e "TEST_HOST=stg.example.com" \
    -e "TEST_ENV=stg" \

By default, the program parses all files in $(pwd)/tests recursively. This can be changed using an environment variable.

Run tests in a CI/CD pipeline

This image can be used in any CI/CD system that supports Docker containers.


  • Drone

        image: nytimes/httptest
        pull: true
          TEST_HOST: 'example.com'
  • GitHub Actions

    action "httptest" {
      uses = "docker://nytimes/httptest"
      env = {
        TEST_HOST = "example.com"


A few global configurations (applied to all tests) can be specified by environment variables:

  • TEST_DIRECTORY: Local directory that contains the test definition YAML files. Default: tests

  • TEST_HOST: Host to test. Can be overridden by request.host of individual test definitions. If TEST_HOST and request.host are both not set, test will fail.

  • TEST_CONCURRENCY: Maximum number of concurrent requests at a time. Default: 2.

  • TEST_DNS_OVERRIDE: Override the IP address for TEST_HOST. Does not work for request.host specified in YAML.

  • TEST_PRINT_FAILED_ONLY: Only print failed tests. Valid values: false or true. Default: false.

Environment variable substitution

This program supports variable substitution from environment variables in YAML files. This is useful for handling secrets or dynamic values. Visit here for supported functions.


  - description: 'get current user'
      path: '/user'
        authorization: 'token ${SECRET_AUTH_TOKEN}'
      statusCodes: [200]

Full test example

Required fields for each test:

  • description
  • request.path

All other fields are optional. All matchings are case insensitive.

  - description: 'root'          # Description, will be printed with test results. Required
    conditions:                  # Specify conditions. Test only runs when all conditions are met
      env:                       # Matches an environment variable
        TEST_ENV: '^(dev|stg)$'  # Environment variable name : regular expression
    skipCertVerification: false  # Set true to skip verification of server TLS certificate (insecure and not recommended)

    request:                     # Request to send
      scheme: 'https'            # URL scheme. Only http and https are supported. Default: https
      host: 'example.com'        # Host to test against (this overrides TEST_HOST for this specific test)
      method: 'POST'             # HTTP method. Default: GET
      path: '/'                  # Path to hit. Required
      headers:                   # Headers
        x-test-header-0: 'abc'
        x-test: '${REQ_TEST}'    # Environment variable substitution
      body: ''                   # Request body. Processed as string

    response:                    # Expected response
      statusCodes: [201]         # List of expected response status codes
      headers:                   # Expected response headers
        patterns:                # Match response header patterns
          server: '^ECS$'        # Header name : regular expression
          cache-control: '.+'
        notPresent:              # Specify headers not expected to exist.
          - 'set-cookie'         # These are not regular expressions
          - 'x-frame-options'
          set-cookie: ^.*abc.*$  # Specify headers expected to exist but NOT match the given regex
      body:                      # Response body
        patterns:                # Response body has to match all patterns in this list in order to pass test
          - 'charset="utf-8"'    # Regular expressions
          - 'Example Domain'

  - description: 'sign up page'  # Second test
      path: '/signup'
      statusCodes: [200]


Run locally

Download package

go get -d -u github.com/nytimes/httptest

Build and run

# In repo root directory
make run

This will run the tests defined in example-tests directory.