Phase-4-Week-One-Code-Challeng:Pizzas Restaurants


In this challenge, we'll be working on a Restaurant backend API using rails.


This challenge has :

  • Rails API backend
  • Three Resources

Challenge Setup

  • To download the dependencies for the backend, run:

bundle install

There is some starter code in the db/seeds.rb file so that once you've generated the models, you'll be able to create data to test your application.

You can run your Rails API on localhost:3000 by running:

rails s

Run the Rails server and using Postman to make requests


Our tables has following relationships:

A Restaurant has many Pizzas through RestaurantPizza A Pizza has many Restaurants through RestaurantPizza A RestaurantPizza belongs to a Restaurant and belongs to a Pizza Start by creating the models and migrations for the following database tables: Screenshot from 2023-03-20 04-03-02

Then, run the migrations and seed file:

rails db:migrate db:seed

If you aren't able to get the provided seed file working, you are welcome to generate your own seed data to test the application.


Add validations to the RestaurantPizza model:

must have a price between 1 and 30


Set up the following routes. Make sure to return JSON data in the format specified along with the appropriate HTTP verb.

GET /restaurants Return JSON data in the format below:

[ { "id": 1, "name": "Sottocasa NYC", "address": "298 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201" }, { "id": 2, "name": "PizzArte", "address": "69 W 55th St, New York, NY 10019" } ]


GET /restaurants/:id If the Restaurant exists, return JSON data in the format below:

{ "id": 1, "name": "Sottocasa NYC", "address": "298 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201", "pizzas": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Cheese", "ingredients": "Dough, Tomato Sauce, Cheese" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Pepperoni", "ingredients": "Dough, Tomato Sauce, Cheese, Pepperoni" } ] }


If the Restaurant does not exist, return the following JSON data, along with the appropriate HTTP status code:

{ "error": "Restaurant not found" }


DELETE /restaurants/:id If the Restaurant exists, it should be removed from the database, along with any RestaurantPizzas that are associated with it (a RestaurantPizza belongs to a Restaurant, so you need to delete the RestaurantPizzas before the Restaurant can be deleted).

After deleting the Restaurant, return an empty response body, along with the appropriate HTTP status code.

If the Restaurant does not exist, return the following JSON data, along with the appropriate HTTP status code:

{ "error": "Restaurant not found" }


GET /pizzas Return JSON data in the format below:

[ { "id": 1, "name": "Cheese", "ingredients": "Dough, Tomato Sauce, Cheese" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Pepperoni", "ingredients": "Dough, Tomato Sauce, Cheese, Pepperoni" } ]


POST /restaurant_pizzas This route should create a new RestaurantPizza that is associated with an existing Pizza and Restaurant. It should accept an object with the following properties in the body of the request:

{ "price": 5, "pizza_id": 1, "restaurant_id": 3 }


If the RestaurantPizza is created successfully, send back a response with the data related to the Pizza:

{ "id": 1, "name": "Cheese", "ingredients": "Dough, Tomato Sauce, Cheese" }


If the RestaurantPizza is not created successfully, return the following JSON data, along with the appropriate HTTP status code:

{ "errors": ["validation errors"] }
