A basic example of most available Markdown syntax.
Headings are added using a #
for heading level one, ##
for heading level two, etc...
## Heading Level Two
Paragraphs are added by simply adding text on their own line.
This is a a paragraph.
And this is another paragraph.
Links are added using square brackets for the clickable part and round brackets for the URL.
Images are added imilarly to links. The image description is placed in square brackets, and a URL to the image is placed in the round brackets. The different between an image and a link, is that an image stats with an exclamation mark !
This image:
Was added using this code:
![codeadam.ca logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/codeadamca/markdown-demo/main/logo.png)
You can add inline code
using a single backtick. Or a block of code using thee backticks:
# This is a Level One Header
## This is a Level Two Header
You can specify the language in a block of code after the three ticks:
# This is a Level One Header
## This is a Level Two Header
Here is some sample JavaScript:
document.write("Hello World!");
To add tables to a Markdown documnet you use a series of dashes and bars:
Heading 1 | Heading 2 | Heading 3 |
Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3 |
Tables in your Markdown file don't need to line up:
Heading 1 | Heading 2 | Heading 3 |
Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3 |
You can add lists using number <ol>
or dashes <ul>
This is the first list item.
This is the second list item.
This is the second paragraph in the second list item.
This is the third list item.