
A Student Result Management System using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP & MySQL.

Primary LanguageSCSS

Student Result Management System

The main objective of the project is to provide the examination result to the student in a simple way. This project is useful for students and institutions for getting the results in simple manner.


Link: https://novel-cures.000webhostapp.com/
Website is under construction.

  • Admin Login: admin | Password: 123
  • For Students: First Year | Roll No: 1011
  • For Students: Second Year | Roll No: 2021

Technology Used

  • Front end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Back end: PHP, MySQL
  • Server: XAMPP Server

Admin Features

  • Admin Dashboard
  • Admin can add/update/ Class
  • Admin can add/update/ Subjects
  • Admin can add/update/ Active/Inactive Subject combination with class
  • Admin can register new student and also edit info of the student
  • Aadmin can declare/ edit result of a student
  • Admin can change own password.

Student Features

  • Student can search their result using valid rollid
  • Student can download the result in the PDF format.




Dashboard | Manage Student

Dashboard | Enter Marks

Student Marks