
Tiny chainable DOM manipulation lib.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tiny chainable DOM manipulation lib.


npm i el.js

Or just download index.js.


Add El.js to your project:

<script src="path/el.js"></script>

Create an instance for the element you want to manipulate, for example, let's grab a button with the id coolButton, which is rendered in hidden state with the style display: none, make it visible and disable it when clicked:

const $coolButton = new El('#coolButton')
  .on('click', () => $coolButton.disable())


Once you created an instance you can chain API methods if you need to do multiple manipulations of your element.

For example:

const $title = new El('#title')
  .html('Alice in Chains rocks!')


  • constructor(element)
  • exists()
  • get()
  • show()
  • showInline()
  • hide()
  • disable()
  • enable()
  • style(styleName, value)
  • addClass(className)
  • removeClass(className)
  • remove()
  • setRandomBackground({path = '', range = [0, 5], length = 3, ext = 'jpg'})
  • appear()
  • disappear()
  • focus()
  • html(value)
  • appendHtml(value)
  • prependHtml(value)
  • val(value)
  • clear()
  • isVisible()
  • toggle()
  • caretEnd()
  • src(value)
  • scrollBottom()
  • on(event, callback)
  • static injectStyles(styles)

Create new instance

constructor (element)

Where element can be any valid CSS selector or a reference to an element.

For the HTML:

<ul class="user-list">

It's valid to construct an instance with: const $userList = new El('.user-list')


const userListElement = document.querySelector('.user-list')
const $userList = new El(userListElement)

Does the element exists?


Returns a boolean.

Get a reference to the element


Show a hidden element


Works with elements hidden with display: none by switching to display: block.

Show a hidden element inline


Works with elements hidden with display: none by switching to display: inline.

Hide element


Hides an element using display: none.

Disable element


Sets disabled attribute to true.

Enable element


Sets disabled attribute to false.

Get all styles on element


Returns styles object containing all styles set on element.

Get specific style on element


Returns requested style value.

Set style on element

$myEl.style('color', 'black')

Sets passed style attribute with passed value.

Get attribute


Returns value for attribute data-id.

Set attribute

$myEl.attr('data-id', 42)

Sets attribute data-id to 42.

Remove attribute

$myEl.attr('data-id', false)

Removes attribute data-id from element.

Add class to element


Appends passed class to element's className attribute.

Remove class from element


Removes passed class from element's className attribute.

Remove element from the DOM


Set a random background on element

  path: 'some/path',
  range: [0, 10],
  length: 3,
  ext: 'jpg'

Sets a background image with the following format:



  • ${path} is the given path.
  • ${name} is a random number in the given range with the specified length.
  • ${ext} is the file extension, as passed on ext.

Default values:

  • range: [0, 5]
  • length: 3
  • ext: jpg

If we have the following files:


To randomly select a background image we should:

  path: 'img',
  range: [100, 105],
  length: 5

Appear element


Sets opacity to 1.

Disappear element


Sets opacity to 0.

Focus element


Set element's HTML

$myEl.html('<strong>Rock it!</strong>')

Get element's HTML


Append HTML to element


Adds passed HTML content at the end of the element.

Prepend HTML to element

$myEl.prependHtml('<b>Thanks to:</b>')

Adds passed HTML content at the beggining of the element.

Set value


Sets passed value as element's value.

Applies for inputs and textareas, but you can set a value on any element even if it's not rendered.

Get value


Returns current element's value.

Clear value


Sets element's value to an empty string.

Is element visible?


Returns true if the element's display CSS attribute is not set or one of:

  • block
  • inline
  • inline-block

Toggle element's visibility


Uses $myEl.isVisible() to detect visibility.

Calls $myEl.show() when element is hidden.

Calls $myEl.hide() when element is visible.

Position caret at the end of an input's content


Set element's src


Sets passed value on the src attribute.

Get element's src


Returns current src value.

Scroll to bottom


Moves scroll position to the bottom of the element.

Add event listener

$myEl.on('click', () => console.log('clicked!'))

Listen to element events passing a callback.

Inject styles on page


Note that this is a static method that's called directly on the El object.


  body {
    background: black;
    color: white;

  h1 {
    font-size: 48px;