Simply cancel an ETH transaction.
You can either install the app globally first with:
npm i -g eth-canceller
And then run it with:
eth-canceller [file]
Or, you can just run it without installing:
npx eth-canceller [file]
Where [file]
is a JSON document with all required details to cancel the transaction.
Sample usage:
eth-canceller details.json
This is the file used to provide all wallet and transaction details required to cancel the transaction.
Sample file:
"apiUrl": "",
"privateKey": "this is your wallet private key",
"nonce": 1,
"maxFeePerGas": 90,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": 0.15
If you don't have an apiUrl
you can get one for free from Infura.
The app will confirm the transaction before sending it.
is the tip you give to the miner.
is the max you are willing per gas including: maxPriorityFeePerGas + baseFeePerGas
Please, keep your private key safe at all times!
Don't execute this app in a non trusted environment / machine.
Delete your private key or the whole fine once you're done.
Your private key gives full access yo your wallet and your funds!