
A hubot who knows about the argentinian dolar blue market.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A hubot who knows about the argentinian dolar blue market. It will give you up to date rates based on several sources, including dolarblue.net, right inside your chat.


  • jarvis db or jarvis dolarblue: Will output a string with rates obtained using dolar-blue package.
  • jarvis dbn: Will get the latest dolar blue rates published by dolarblue.net.
  • jarvis dbn.all: Will get the latest rates published by dolarblue.net (includes currencies and values other than dolar blue).

Note: You should edit src/index.js and change "jarvis" to whatever you like. This is the bot's name. Commands can be executed without the need to prepend the name of the bot when sending direct messages to it (db, dbn, etc.).


Goto your hubot root directory and run:

npm install hubot-dolar-blue --save

Update your external-scripts.json file adding hubot-dolar-blue to the array.

Also, you'll need to have imagemagick installed on your system.

apt-get install imagemagick

To run dbn you'll need to edit src/index.js and change the following vars:

  • imagesPath: path with write permissions where images will be downloaded.
  • croppedImageUrl: URL where you serve your cropped image (it's a crop from the original rates image provided by dolarblue.net).

Note: Only two images are saved and rewritten each time, so no worries about disk space.