
MELI exam, server app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Server app for MELI frontend engineering exam.

JavaScript Style Guide Build Status


The following endpoints are exposed:

  • /api/items?q=[query]: Uses [query] to search for products.
  • /api/items/:id: Returns product details for passed product id. Combines requests to MELI endpoints:
    • /items/:id
    • /items/:id/description
  • /api/categories/:id: Returns category details for passed category id.

All endpoints return JSON data.


Cross origin is limited to whitelisted domains found in: src/whitelist.json


Env var MODE is used to enable / disable CORS.

Set MODE=dev to turn off CORS for development mode if needed.

It's already done on npm start.


Clone this repo and instal dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/codealchemist/meli-exam-server
cd meli-exam-server
npm i

Start the app with npm start.


Use npm run prod to run in production mode.

It will leverage CORS and domain whitelisting.


Run test on a single pass with npm test.

Test during development, watching for file changes: npm run test:watch.


Run the linter on the command line with npm run lint.

.eslintrc already extends standard so if your IDE supports integration with ESLINT you'll get linting there.


The app uses Express.js to serve it's own API, working as a proxy for MELI's APIs.

Responses are massaged to match client expectations.