Remotely run commands on clients.
npm install -g remoted
remoted lets you start hosts and guests.
Hosts are machine that can be remotely controlled.
Guests are machines that will send commands to hosts.
When a guest connects to a host a command line interface will be provided.
These machines can found each other by sending UDP messages with some help from udp-node.
You can run normal shell commands on the host and get their output.
You can open applications and documents.
And there are some built-in commands for you to enjoy, allowing you to send OS notifications and play audio.
Start a host on one machine with:
remoted --host [hostname]
Start a guest on a another machine instructing it to connect to your host:
remoted [hostname]
Hosts and guests will discover each other no matter which one is started first ;)
Built-In Commands
On a host connected to a guest you can use any of the following commands:
notify [message]
: Sends OS notifications using
: Kills host and guest.
OS Commands
These are some of the most commonly used OS commands:
open [url]
: Opens passed URL in the default [path/file]
: Opens file with default application for its [path/file]
: Outputs raw content of the
: List files on the directory where guest was started.
You can remotely run any command that the OS supports.
TODO: VLC ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/vlc