PyTorch implementation of Logic Tensor Networks for Semantic Textual Similarity

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) is to measure the degree of semantic equivalence between two sentences. Our system do classification and regression for KLUE-STS that is essential to other NLP tasks such as machine translation, summarization, and question answering. We implements the system using LTNtorch.


After cloning this repository, make sure to install all the requirements.

  • git clone git@github.com:chrisjihee/LTN-STS.git
  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt


After installation, please check the usage of the main module.

  • python3 main.py -h
usage: main.py [-h] -t T [-n N] [-m M] [-k K] [-e E] [-lr LR] [-bs BS] [-msl MSL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -t T        task name: STS-CLS, STS-REG
  -n N        gpu id: 0, 1, 2, 3
  -m M        pretrained model id: 0, 1, 2, 3
  -k K        number of training samples
  -e E        number of training epochs
  -lr LR      learning rate
  -bs BS      batch size
  -msl MSL    max sequence length


After checking the usage, please run the main module with some proper options like following:

  • python3 main.py -t STS-CLS -n 0 -m 2 -k 100 -e 1


Please check the results with following.

Structure of repository

  • expr1.ipynb: this notebook contains some experiments using LTN-STS with KoBERT.
  • expr2.ipynb: this notebook contains some experiments using LTN-STS with KoELECTRA.
  • expr3.ipynb: this notebook contains some experiments using LTN-STS with KoBigBird.
  • main.py: this module contains the implementation of LTN-STS.
  • data.py: this module contains converting original KLUE-STS dataset to each task-specific dataset.
  • data/: this folder contains the data for our experiments.


LTN-STS has been developed thanks to the following people.