_ _ ___ ___ ___ __ __ _ _ ___ ( )( )( _)( ,) / __)( )/ \( \( )/ __) \\// ) _) ) \ \__ \ )(( () )) ( \__ \ (__) (___)(_)\_)(___/(__)\__/(_)\_)(___/ This is a version sorter that when given two version strings will determine which version string is precedent. It is given here as an exercise in both Java and Ruby. RUBY============================================================= 1. From the root level of the project, enter "ruby version_sorter_test.rb" 2. God ruby is definitely the write tool for this job, look at the painful Java setup below. JAVA SETUP============================================================ 1. Set your JAVA_HOME (absolutely): "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_03" 2. Navigate to the root level of the project (with the pom.xml) BUILDING JAVA WITH APACHE MAVEN======================================= 1. Build the project: "mvn clean package", ensure all test cases pass and "BUILD SUCCESS" appears 2. Set your CLASSPATH (absolutely) to the maven target directory: "export CLASSPATH=/home/coder/workspace/versions/target/classes" BUILDING JAVA WITHOUT APACHE MAVEN==================================== 1. Compile the files with javac: "$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac src/main/java/com/versions/*" 2. Confirm there are now several class files at src/main/java/com/versions 3. Set your CLASSPATH (absolutely) to the src directory: "export CLASSPATH=/home/coder/workspace/versions/src/main/java/com/versions" RUNNING THE JAVA APPLICATION========================================== 1. Ensure that your user has permission to execute calculator shell script ("sudo chmod u+x versiontester") 2. Run the shell script: "versiontester 1.2.3.a 1.2.2.b" ASSUMPTIONS/NOTES=============================================== -Normally I would not do things like System.out.println, System.exit(0), or read file input from an absolute path. I promise I would never do anything like that in production potential code. I also do absolutely zero logging in this application, on purpose. This version sorter was originally built as an exercise for a company I interviewed at.
Which came first? 1.2.3.a, or 1.2.2.b? Version sorter that parses and sorts version strings recursively. Written as an exercise in both Ruby and Java.