
Which came first? 1.2.3.a, or 1.2.2.b? Version sorter that parses and sorts version strings recursively. Written as an exercise in both Ruby and Java.

Primary LanguageRuby

 _  _  ___  ___   ___  __  __  _  _  ___ 
( )( )(  _)(  ,) / __)(  )/  \( \( )/ __)
 \\//  ) _) )  \ \__ \ )(( () ))  ( \__ \
 (__) (___)(_)\_)(___/(__)\__/(_)\_)(___/

This is a version sorter that when given two version strings will determine which version string is precedent. It is given here as an exercise in both Java and Ruby.

1. From the root level of the project, enter "ruby version_sorter_test.rb"
2. God ruby is definitely the write tool for this job, look at the painful Java setup below.

JAVA SETUP============================================================
1. Set your JAVA_HOME (absolutely): "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_03"
2. Navigate to the root level of the project (with the pom.xml)

BUILDING JAVA WITH APACHE MAVEN=======================================
1. Build the project: "mvn clean package", ensure all test cases pass and "BUILD SUCCESS" appears
2. Set your CLASSPATH (absolutely) to the maven target directory: "export CLASSPATH=/home/coder/workspace/versions/target/classes"

BUILDING JAVA WITHOUT APACHE MAVEN====================================
1. Compile the files with javac: "$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac src/main/java/com/versions/*"
2. Confirm there are now several class files at src/main/java/com/versions
3. Set your CLASSPATH (absolutely) to the src directory: "export CLASSPATH=/home/coder/workspace/versions/src/main/java/com/versions"

RUNNING THE JAVA APPLICATION==========================================
1. Ensure that your user has permission to execute calculator shell script ("sudo chmod u+x versiontester")
2. Run the shell script: "versiontester 1.2.3.a 1.2.2.b"

-Normally I would not do things like System.out.println, System.exit(0), or read file input from an absolute path. I promise I would never do anything like that in production potential code. I also do absolutely zero logging in this application, on purpose. This version sorter was originally built as an exercise for a company I interviewed at.