
A WHATWG URL builder for deno

Primary LanguageTypeScript

what url

A whatwg url builder for deno

Build Status

│                                              href                                              │
│ protocol │  │        auth         │          host          │           path            │ hash  │
│          │  │                     ├─────────────────┬──────┼──────────┬────────────────┤       │
│          │  │                     │    hostname     │ port │ pathname │     search     │       │
│          │  │                     │                 │      │          ├─┬──────────────┤       │
│          │  │                     │                 │      │          │ │    query     │       │
"  https:   //    user   :   pass   @ sub.example.com : 8080   /p/a/t/h  ?  query=string   #hash "
│          │  │          │          │    hostname     │ port │          │                │       │
│          │  │          │          ├─────────────────┴──────┤          │                │       │
│ protocol │  │ username │ password │          host          │          │                │       │
├──────────┴──┼──────────┴──────────┼────────────────────────┤          │                │       │
│   origin    │                     │         origin         │ pathname │     search     │ hash  │
│                                              href                                              │


import {
} from "https://github.com/codearoni/what_url/blob/master/mod.ts";


Basic url building:

const url = new WhatUrl()

console.log(url.href); // https://deno.land/path/to/endpoint

Build a WhatUrl given an existing string

const url = new WhatUrl(

console.log(url.protocol); // https:
console.log(url.user); // what
console.log(url.password); // 1234
console.log(url.hostname); // deno.land
console.log(url.port); // 8080
console.log(url.pathname); // /path/to/endpoint
console.log(url.query); // x=hello_world&y=&z=true
console.log(url.search); // ?x=hello_world&y=&z=true
console.log(url.path); // /path/to/endpoint?x=hello_world&y=&z=true
console.log(url.hash); // #asdf
console.log(url.origin); // http://deno.land:8080
console.log(url.auth); // what:1234
console.log(url.host); // deno.land:8080
console.log(url.href); // https://what:1234@deno.land:8080/path/to/endpoint?x=hello_world&y=&z=true#asdf

Build a WhatUrl based on an existing WhatUrl

const urlA = new WhatUrl()

const urlB = new WhatUrl(urlA)
  .addParam("x", 1)
  .addParam("y", 2)
  .addParam("z", 3)

console.log(urlB.href); // https://subdomain.example.com:3000?x=1&y=2&z=3

Parse a given url and retrieve a parameter

const url = new WhatUrl(

const param = url.getParam("y");
console.log(param); // check123

Create a WhatUrl using supported datatypes for QueryParam

// WhatUrl's .addParam() function converts values into strings for you
const numParam: QueryParam = 1;
const stringParam: QueryParam = "hello_world";
const boolParam: QueryParam = true;
const nullParam: QueryParam = null;

const urlA = new WhatUrl()
  .addParam("a", numParam)
  .addParam("b", stringParam)
  .addParam("c", boolParam)
  .addParam("d", nullParam)

console.log(urlA.href); // https://subdomain.example.com:3000?a=1&b=hello_world&c=true&d=

Create different urls with the same query string

const queryMap: QueryParams = new Map();
queryMap.set("a", "1");
queryMap.set("b", "asdf");
queryMap.set("c", "");

const urlA = new WhatUrl()

const urlB = new WhatUrl()

const urlC = new WhatUrl()

console.log(urlA.href); // https://subdomain.example.com:3000?a=1&b=asdf&c=
console.log(urlB.href); // https://deno.land:4000?a=1&b=asdf&c=
console.log(urlC.href); // https://some.site.net:5000?a=1&b=asdf&c=

Add a given url to the query string of another url

const baseUrl = new WhatUrl(

const urlInParams = "https://some.url.example.com/path/to/endpoint?a=1&b=2&c=3";

const url = new WhatUrl(baseUrl)
  .addParam("embedded", urlInParams)

console.log(url.href); // https://what:1234@deno.land:8080/?embedded=https%3A%2F%2Fsome.url.example.com%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fendpoint%3Fa%3D1%26b%3D2%26c%3D3

Add a WhatUrl to the query string of another url

const urlInParams = new WhatUrl()
  .addParam("x", null)
  .addParam("y", 500)
  .addParam("z", "hello_world")

const baseUrl = new WhatUrl(
  .addParam("embedded", urlInParams)

console.log(baseUrl.href); // https://what:1234@deno.land:8080/?embedded=https%3A%2F%2Fsubdomain.example.com%3A3000%3Fx%3D%26y%3D500%26z%3Dhello_world