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Joona is a utility package for Laravel, designed to enhance backend development. It features user management, permission settings, and an activity log. The frontend integrates Bootstrap 5 and additional UI components for improved interface design. It provides a quick way to kickstart any project that requires administration interface. This package differs from other admin panels (like Filament), in such a way that it encourages to create highly tailored user interfaces by not restricting the use of views to output content. The project is built on Bootstrap + Alpine.js + HTMX stack.


This package is tailored for seamless integration with a brand-new Laravel 10.x installation but can also be incorporated into existing projects. Included in the package are migrations essential for creating tables. However, it's important to note that if your current project already contains tables sharing the same names, potential conflicts will arise.


  1. Require the package via Composer: composer require codeartlv/joona
  2. Publish assets: php artisan joona:publish. Note that this exports UI assets into public/vendor/joona directory. If you build your assets in pipeline or production, you should gitignore this directory.
  3. Add App\Providers\JoonaServiceProvider::class, service provider in config/app.php:
  4. Run migrations: php artisan migrate
  5. Seed defaults: php artisan joona:seed
  6. To support extending CSS/JS within your project, add dependency in your files:

Your SCSS file:

/* Import base config */
@import  '../../vendor/codeartlv/joona/resources/assets/scss/config.scss';
// or if using Vite and defined alias
// @import  '@joona/scss/config.scss';

* You can override the theme settings here

/* Import main stylesheet */
@import  '../../vendor/codeartlv/joona/resources/assets/scss/main.scss';
// or if using Vite and defined alias
// @import  '@joona/scss/main.scss';

// At this point, include your custom SCSS files. All Bootstrap mixins and variables are available.

Your Javascript entry point:

import  './../../vendor/codeartlv/joona/resources/assets/js/main.js';

// or if using Vite and defined alias
// import  '@joona/js/main.js';

// Add your Alpine components or any other JS code.


If your are using Vite, the basic setup could look like this:

// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from  'vite';
import laravel from  'laravel-vite-plugin';
import path from  'path';

export  default  defineConfig({
    plugins: [
            input: [
            refresh: true,
    resolve: {
        alias: {
            '@joona': path.resolve(
			'@joona-modules': path.resolve(

After defining CSS/JS files, build the project:

npx vite build

By now, the setup should be complete. Navigate to /admin and log in using the following credentials:

Email: admin@localhost Password: password

It's important to note that the actual password policy is stricter. You are advised to change the default user password, as the required password complexity will be higher.


The package introduces several middlewares and templates to integrate into backend interface. It uses custom auth guard and users are authenticated against database.

Application title which is used inside backend is taken from app.name configuration setting.

Create routes inside backend

Within the backend interface, there are both authenticated and unauthenticated routes. Authenticated routes require user authentication, while unauthenticated routes don't but they apply additional settings such as color theme, locale, etc. To incorporate unauthenticated routes, apply the admin.web middleware to your routes:

    Route::get('/set-region', [ExampleController::class, 'action']);

To add authenticated routes, use middleware admin.auth:

    Route::get('/blog', [ExampleController::class, 'action']);

Note that this still requires admin.web middleware to provide basic settings. You can create a group for your backend routes:

    // Unauthenticated routes
    Route::middleware(['admin.auth'])->group(function () {
        // Authenticated routes

Proceed to write controllers as you usually do.


The package provides two layouts - a simple layout and layout with sidebar. Sidebar layout is used to add various data filtering controls. Sidebar layout is made responsive and can be used on mobile devices.

Simple view

To use simple view, you would write your template like this:

    @section('page_title', 'Page title')

        The main content goes here
    The footer of the page. Add additional controls here like paginator etc.

    This block resides at the header of page. Add CTA button here.

Not all sections need to be filled, but the main content should be in section main.

Sidebar layout

The block layout is the same as in simple layout, but sidebar content has dedicated block:

    Sidebar content goes here

Including metadata

You will likely need to inject additional data into <head> even when the view is completely rendered from inside the package. Just create resources/views/vendor/joona/head.blade.php file and Laravel will include it inside the <head>

Working with UI components

As there is Alpine and HTMX already included within the panel, no restrictions are applied as to how you could write your components.


The package uses Ziggy to provide routes inside Javascript. Just call function route and use it the same way as in Laravel.

Javascript UI components

The package provides several commonly used components that can be included in the views.

Modal dialog

A modal dialog that is loaded by remote request.

import Modal from  '@joona/js/components/modal.js';
let modalDialog =  new  Modal();

modalDialog.open('/page', {
    animations : true,
}).then(() => {
    // modal is opened
    // close by calling modalDialog.close();

Confirmation dialog

import ConfirmDialog from  '@joona/js/components/confirm-dialog.js';

const  caption  =  'Confirm';
const  message  =  'Are you sure you want to delete this record?';
const  buttons  = [
    {caption:'Cancel', role:'secondary', callback:()=>{}},
    {caption:'Yes', role:'primary', callback:()=>{}},

let confirmDialog =  new  ConfirmDialog(caption, message, buttons);

Confirmation dialog closes automatically once any of the buttons is pressed.

Backend features a very simple JS framework to separate view from JS code. It utilizes data attributes on HTML elements to which every component is binded. You are not required to use this, but for simple interactions it can be faster than to deploy React/Vue etc. framework. It's up to you anyway.

Create new component handler

First of all, if you need to add interaction to element, you create a Javascript class that collects a group functions for a problem domain. Let's say you have a blog and need to add component in the backend. Start by creating blog component handler:

// resources/js/blog.js

import Handler from  '@joona/js/handler';

export default class Blog extends Handler {
    static  get  pluginName() {
        return  'blog';

Register handler at the application:

// resource/js/app.js

import Blog from 'blog';

// Add your custom handlers

The pluginName is an only required function for a handler. Now, let's say you need to create functionality around some HTML code. You start by referencing the handler through data attributes:

<div data-bind="blog.edit-form" data-id="1">


Here, data-bind consists of two parts - first is the name of handler (the value that pluginName returns) and second is the name of the handler function. Based on this example, we can write handler like this:

// resources/js/blog.js
export default class Blog extends Handler {
    static  get  pluginName() {
        return  'blog';

    editForm(element, parameters, runtime) {
        // add your functionality
        // element is HTML Node
        // parameters contains {"id":1}

The handler name gets converted to camel case. edit-form becomes editForm. Each handler function receives 3 arguments: element - reference to DOM node where data-bind is assigned on; parameters - any additional data arguments on the node; runtime - instance of Runtime class.

Getting instances of other components

If handler function returns and object, it is stored for later access. This way you can get other binded components from anywhere on the page or specific scope. Consider that you have two handler functions:

<div data-bind="blog.edit-form">
    <div data-bind="blog.user-component"></div>
// resources/js/blog.js
export default class Blog extends Handler {
    static  get  pluginName() {
        return  'blog';
    userComponent(element, parameters, runtime) {
        return new function(){
            this.hello = (name) => {
    editForm(element, parameters, runtime) {
        runtime.getInstance(element, 'blog.user-component').then((userComponent) => {

window.Runtime.getInstance searches for binded component within provided scope (element), the second argument is full name of the handler. Note that component must return a function or object to be resolved. window.Runtime.getInstance returns the first found component. If you presume that there can be many instances, use runtime.getInstances.

Dynamically binding handler

If you load your content dynamically, after inserting new nodes into the DOM, call window.Runtime.init(context) on the new HTML nodes. context is the most highest DOM node you can reference that contains new HTML.

HTML components


Outputs a paginator component. Pass total (total number of rows) and size (number of items on page).

<x-paginator :total="$total" :size="$size" />


Creates a dynamic form. Form is submitted via Ajax.

<x-joona-form  method="post"  action=""  class="">
    <!-- Form elements -->

When providing response to the form submission, use FormResponse class:

use  Codeart\Joona\View\Components\Form\FormResponse;

// Inside your controller
$form =  new  FormResponse();

// Form submitted successfully
$form->setSuccess('Data saved!');

// Set error on field
$form->setError('Value required.', 'name');

// Add action on a form. The action gets executed only if there are no errors.
// Multiple actions can be added.

$form->setAction('reload', true); // Reload page
$form->setAction('redurect', '/home'); // Redirect user to the URL
$form->setAction('close_popup', true); // Closes opened modal dialog
$form->setAction('reset', true); // Resets form to default state.

// Attaching additional data
$form->addData(['id'  =>  1]);

// Render form
return  response()->json($form);

When setting error on the form field, any input with provided name gets searched. If empty field name is provided, the message is rendered into dedicated alert component. If form element can't have a specific name, you can defined where the form error gets rendered by adding:

<div  data-field="name"></div>


Displays a button.

<x-button  caption="Submit"  type="submit"  role="primary"  icon="check" :attr="['custom-attribute'  =>  'yes']" />


Displays an alert message.

<x-alert  role="info"  message="Hello World!" />


Should be included when outputting a dialog content.

<x-dialog :caption="Caption">
    <p>Dialog content</p>
    <x-slot  name="footer">
        Optional footer

Dialog example with form and save button:

<x-form :action="route('blog.save')">
    <x-dialog :caption="Edit post">
            <div  data-role="form.response"></div>
            <!-- Form fields -->

        <x-slot  name="footer">
            <x-button :caption="Save"  icon="check" />


Creates a file uploader. When setting uploaded files, use instance of Codeart\Joona\View\Components\Form\UploadedFile. When uploading file, return response of the same class.

<x-uploader  uploadroute="files.upload"  deleteroute="files.delete"  limit="5"  submitbtn="#test-button" :files="$files"></x-uploader>


Package adds additional console commands. Please see description of each of them:

joona:seed - creates default credentials. After running this seeds, you can authorize in backend panel with email admin@localhost and password password. joona:publish - publishes backend template assets and related packages assets.

Please add $schedule->command('joona:update-session')->everyTenMinutes(); in your scheduler. This will make updating admin user session data more precise.


This package adds admin guard to auth.php and joona guard to configuration. Please consider this naming when adding additional guards and/or providers.