Sa se dezvolte o aplicatie Web pentru gestiunea vizitelor de care beneficiaza persoanele condamnate la executarea unei pedepse intr-un penitenciar sau intr-o casa de corectie. Fiecarei vizite i se vor atasa informatii privind individul ori indivizii care efectueaza vizita -- minimal, se vor considera: identitatea, fotografia, relatia cu condamnatul (ruda, tutore legal, avocat, prieten), natura vizitei. De asemenea, vor fi consemnate: data realizarii intrevederii, natura si durata acesteia (e.g., consultare privind recursul procesului, vizita amicala), posibile obiecte/date furnizate condamnatului sau oferite de condamnat vizitatorului/vizitatorilor, rezumatul discutiilor efectuate (daca nu e incalcata confidentialitatea), starea de sanatate si de spirit a detinutului, martorul/martorii la intalnire etc. Instrumentul implementat va genera statistici -- documente HTML, CSV si JSON -- vizand vizitele realizate per individ, perioada de timp, in functie de categoria pedepsei savarsite sau alte criterii. Pentru interactiunea cu utilizator, se va oferi un design Web responsiv.
Schedule inmate visits (the easy way). Easy for the visitor, easy for the institution.
DeMoT follows the Model View Controller pattern, has clean URLs and a simple structure inspired by PHP Mini.
Written in PHP 7 with only native code, no frameworks or libraries.
Clone this repository
git clone
Create a new user and grant permissions in mysql
Login to mysql as the root user
mysql -u root -p
at the mysql prompt
-- replace database_name with demot CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost'; GRANT EVENT ON database_name . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost';
Edit the database credentials in
Execute the
statements in the_install/
folder (with PHPMyAdmin for example). -
Make sure you have
activated on your server / in your environment. Some guidelines: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, EasyPHP on Windows, AMPPS on Windows/Mac OS, XAMPP for Windows, MAMP on Mac OS
PHP Mini, simple MVC skeleton PHP application
PHP PSR-1 coding standard
MVC from scratch, rewrite rules
Small classes, great overall answer (codereview)
CSS star rating
Create a local branch tracking a remote branch from the repository
git checkout -b branch_name origin/branch_name
Once a pull request is accepted, you need to make sure your local dev branch is synchronized with the repository dev branch. Then, you merge the feature branch into dev and push the updated dev back to the central repository.
Path | Controller#Action | Used for |
/inmates | inmates#index | display a list of inmates |
/inmates/add | inmates#add | return an HTML form for creating a new inmate |
/inmates/create | inmates#create | create a new inmate |
/inmates/show/:id | inamtes#show(id) | display a specific inmate |
/inamtes/edit/:id | inmates#edit(id) | return a HTML form for editing a specific inmate |
/inmates/update/:id | inmates#update(id) | update specific inmate |
/inmates/delete/:id | inmates#delete(id) | delete a specific inmate |
- Sql injection prevention by using bind parameters
- XSS prevention by using
when outputting to HTML - Parameters whitelisting
- REST routes HTTP verbs
- CSRF prevention
- Custom page titles
- Redirect with header() to controller#action (not require)
- Always die() after a redirect
- Set guard_id on approved/rejected appointments
- Remove debugging statements like print_r($_POST) to prevent XSS attacks
- Flash messages
- Password min 8 max 32
- Clean visitors appointments
- Filter appointments
- Pagination
- Single page for Appointment form
- Semantic navigation
- Make datalists dynamic (most popular from database)
- Update session username when editing profile
- Recurring visiting rights reset on start of month
- Limit POST data size
- Inmate statistics
- total visits
- average visit duration
- average physical/emotional state
- bans
- top visitors
- Visitor statistics
- total visits
- average visit duration
- most visited inmates
This project is licensed under the MIT License. This means you can use and modify it for free in private or commercial projects.