
Video Management

Primary LanguageHTML

#StreamHash V1.2 #

Features and Changes:

  • Code Optimization

  • CMS Update

    • Easy navigation for all features

    • Video Upload CRUD UI changes

    • Videos - Publish option added

  • Flag videos

  • Image and video compress

    • By using open source libraries (FFmpeg) compress the image and video uploaded in server

    • Used queue to compress resolution based Images

  • Converting video to standard resolutions

    • 426x240

    • 640x360

    • 854x480

    • 1280x720

    • 1920x1080

  • Admin Settings

    • Email Configuration

    • Social Login Settings

    • Payment Settings

    • AWS s3 Settings

  • Pay Per Video

    • Can choose user type - All users , Paid Users or Normal users

    • Can choose payment type - Recurring Payment or OneTime Payment

*** Please create folders for resoluions with 777 permissions. ***


* 426x240

* 640x360

* 854x480

* 1280x720

* 1920x1080
