VFSJFileChooser ========================== IMPORTANT : About the Commons-VFS jars -------------------------------------- The commons-vfs jars distributed with VFSJFileChooser are patched. The commons-vfs core jar include patches submitted to commons-vfs which have not been included yet : - URL redirection(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/VFS-194) - WebDAV issues(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/VFS-74) The commons-vfs sandbox jar remove the webdav support which is provided by webdavclient4j(http://webdavclient4j.sf.net). Webdav classes have been deleted manually from the built jar. The commons vfs jar provides usual protocols(FTP, HTTP, etc.) The commons-vfs sandbox jar provides SMB support. How to patch Commons-VFS if building it from SVN(trunk) ------------------------------------------------------- A patch file is distributed with VFSJFileChooser, it is called commons-vfs.patch. It is located at the root of VFSJFileChooser folder. At the root of your commons-vfs trunk folder, run the following command: patch -p0 -i commons-vfs.patch Under Windows you'll need to download the patch utility : http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/patch.htm Help/Questions/Issues ------------------------ Please visit the VFSJFileChooser forums : http://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=215380
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