Mobile-ID Java client is a Java library that can be used for easy integration with MID REST interface ( of the Mobile-ID.
- Simple interface for user authentication
- Simple interface for digital signature services
- Java 1.8
- Internet access to Mobile-ID demo environment (to run integration tests)
You can use the library as a dependency from the Maven Central (
compile group: '', name: 'mid-rest-java-client', version: '1.2'
- Running Unit tests
- Running against Demo environment
- Configure the client
- Configure client network connection
- Retrieve signing certificate
- Create a signature
- Authenticate
- Handling negative scenarios
- Validating user input
mvn test
SK ID Solutions AS hosts a public demo environment that you can run your tests against. There are test numbers that can be used to simulate different scenarios.
The integration tests in this library have been configured to run against this Demo environment.
You can run only integration tests with:
mvn failsafe:integration-test
If you have Estonian or Lithuanian Mobile ID then you can run real-life tests with your own phone if you register your Mobile ID certificates SK Demo environment. It is also possible to change the status of the certificates from there.
You can run MobileIdAuthenticationInteractive
main method to test it out
(enter your own phone number and national identity code) and you should get a
request to enter your PIN to phone.
MidClient client = MidClient.newBuilder()
Note that these values are demo environment specific. In production use the values provided by Application Provider.
// org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.ResteasyClientBuilder
// org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.ResteasyClient
ResteasyClient resteasyClient = new ResteasyClientBuilder()
.defaultProxy("", 8080, "http")
MidClient client = MidClient.newBuilder()
// org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientConfig
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(), "");
MidClient client = MidClient.newBuilder()
Under the hood operations as signing and authentication consist of 2 request steps:
- Initiation request
- Session status request
Session status request by default is a long poll method, meaning it might not return until a timeout expires.
The caller can tune the request parameters inside the bounds set by a service operator by using the withLongPollingTimeoutSeconds(int)
MidClient client = MidClient.newBuilder()
// set hostUrl, relyingPartyUUID, relyingPartyName
Check Long polling documentation chapter for more information.
If for some reason you cannot use long polling (which is recommended)
then you need to set withPollingSleepTimeoutSeconds(int)
to a few seconds (between 1...5).
This makes a request to Application Provider, the response is returned immediately
and if the session is not completed the client performs a sleep for configured amount of seconds
before making a new request.
MidClient client = MidClient.newBuilder()
// set hostUrl, hRelyingParty UUID & Name
If you don't set a positive value either to longPollingTimeoutSeconds or pollingSleepTimeoutSeconds then pollingSleepTimeoutSeconds defaults to value 3 seconds.
In order to create signed container one needs to know the certificate of the user which can be obtained with a separate request:
MidCertificateRequest request = MidCertificateRequest.newBuilder()
MidCertificateChoiceResponse response = client.getMobileIdConnector().getCertificate(request);
X509Certificate certificate = client.createMobileIdCertificate(response);
There are convenience methods to read and validate phone number and national identity number entered by the user. See chapter Validating user input.
You can pass raw data to builder of SignableHash and it creates the hash itself internally:
byte[] data = "MY_DATA".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
MidHashToSign hashToSign = MidHashToSign.newBuilder()
.withHashType( MidHashType.SHA256)
String verificationCode = hashToSign.calculateVerificationCode();
MidSignatureRequest request = MidSignatureRequest.newBuilder()
.withLanguage( MidLanguage.ENG)
.withDisplayText("Sign document?")
.withDisplayTextFormat( MidDisplayTextFormat.GSM7)
MidSignatureResponse response = client.getMobileIdConnector().sign(request);
MidSessionStatus sessionStatus = client.getSessionStatusPoller().fetchFinalSessionStatus(response.getSessionID(),
MidSignature signature = client.createMobileIdSignature(sessionStatus);
Note that
of the service should be displayed on the screen, so the person could verify if the verification code displayed on the screen and code sent him as a text message are identical.
Java demo application mid-rest-java-demo demonstrates how to create and sign a container with Mobile-ID and digidoc4j library.
MidHashToSign hashToSign = MidHashToSign.newBuilder()
.withHashType( MidHashType.SHA256)
For security reasons, a new hash value must be created for each new authentication request.
MidAuthenticationHashToSign authenticationHash = MidAuthenticationHashToSign.generateRandomHashOfDefaultType();
String verificationCode = authenticationHash.calculateVerificationCode();
MidAuthenticationRequest request = MidAuthenticationRequest.newBuilder()
.withLanguage( MidLanguage.ENG)
.withDisplayText("Log into self-service?")
.withDisplayTextFormat( MidDisplayTextFormat.GSM7)
MidAuthenticationResponse response = client.getMobileIdConnector().authenticate(request);
MidSessionStatus sessionStatus = client.getSessionStatusPoller().fetchFinalSessionStatus(response.getSessionID(),
MidAuthentication authentication = client.createMobileIdAuthentication(sessionStatus, authenticationHash);
Note that
of the service should be displayed on the screen, so the person could verify if the verification code displayed on the screen and code sent him as a text message are identical.
Java demo application mid-rest-java-demo and PHP demo application mid-rest-php-demo demonstrate how to perform authentication and verify the response.
MidAuthenticationResponseValidator validator = new MidAuthenticationResponseValidator();
MidAuthenticationResult authenticationResult = validator.validate(authentication);
assertThat(authenticationResult.isValid(), is(true));
assertThat(authenticationResult.getErrors().isEmpty(), is(true));
When the authentication result is valid a session could be created now within the e-service or application. As the session logic is dependent on the implementation and may vary from system to system, this is something integrator has to do himself.
When the authentication result is not valid then the reasons for invalidity are obtainable like this:
List<String> errors = authenticationResult.getErrors();
could be helpful for obtaining information about the authenticated person when constructing the session.
MidAuthenticationIdentity authenticationIdentity = authenticationResult.getAuthenticationIdentity();
String givenName = authenticationIdentity.getGivenName();
String surName = authenticationIdentity.getSurName();
String identityCode = authenticationIdentity.getIdentityCode();
String country = authenticationIdentity.getCountry();
By default the client is configured to trust both Live and Demo Environment ssl certificates
client = MidClient.newBuilder()
Using with only demo environment certificates
client = MidClient.newBuilder()
Using with only live environment certificates
client = MidClient.newBuilder()
Using with custom certificates
client = MidClient.newBuilder()
.withSslCertificates("Pem encoded cert 1", "Pem encoded cert 2")
Using with custom keystore
InputStream is = MobileIdSSL_IT.class.getResourceAsStream("/pathToKeystore");
KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
keyStore.load(is, "changeit".toCharArray());
client = MidClient.newBuilder()
Using with custom ssl context
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.2");
TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance("X509");
sslContext.init(null, trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers(), null);
client = MidClient.newBuilder()
If user cancels operation or the phone is unreachable then specific exceptions are thrown. These can be caught and handled locally.
Following exceptions indicate problems with integration or configuration on Relying Party (integrator) side:
, MissingOrInvalidParameterException
, UnauthorizedException
is for MID internal errors that cannot be handled by clients.
try {
// perform authentication or signing
catch (MidUserCancellationException e) {"User cancelled operation from his/her phone.");
// display error
catch (MidNotMidClientException e) {"User is not a MID client or user's certificates are revoked.");
// display error
catch (MidSessionTimeoutException e) {"User did not type in PIN code or communication error.");
// display error
catch (MidPhoneNotAvailableException e) {"Unable to reach phone/SIM card. User needs to check if phone has coverage.");
// display error
catch (MidDeliveryException e) {"Error communicating with the phone/SIM card.");
// display error
catch (MidInvalidUserConfigurationException e) {"Mobile-ID configuration on user's SIM card differs from what is configured on service provider's side. User needs to contact his/her mobile operator.");
// display error
catch (MidSessionNotFoundException | MidMissingOrInvalidParameterException | MidUnauthorizedException e) {
logger.error("Integrator-side error with MID integration or configuration", e);
// navigate to error page
catch (MidInternalErrorException e) {
logger.warn("MID service returned internal error that cannot be handled locally.");
// navigate to error page
If you request signing certificate in a separate try block then you need to handle following exceptions separately:
try {
// request user signing certificates
catch (MidNotMidClientException e) {"User is not a MID client or user's certificates are revoked");
catch (MidMissingOrInvalidParameterException | MidUnauthorizedException e) {
logger.error("Integrator-side error with MID integration (including insufficient input validation) or configuration", e);
catch (MidInternalErrorException e) {
logger.warn("MID service returned internal error that cannot be handled locally.");
This library comes with convenience methods to validate user input. You can use the methods also to clean input from whitespaces.
try {
String nationalIdentityNumber = MidInputUtil.getValidatedNationalIdentityNumber("<national identity number entered by user>");
String phoneNumber = MidInputUtil.getValidatedPhoneNumber("<phone number entered by user>");
catch (MidInvalidNationalIdentityNumberException e) {"User entered invalid national identity number");
// display error
catch (MidInvalidPhoneNumberException e) {"User entered invalid phone number");
// display error
This library uses Logback for logging. To log incoming and outgoing requests made by the library set following class to log at 'trace' level:
<logger name="" level="trace" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="Console" />
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.