Build a CRUD application with React and Redux. Use Redux toolkit to build this todo app with cool animations using framer-motion. If you want to learn it then you can follow the tutorial given in the readme file.
- Aashutoshsharma002Sobhasaria group of institution
- AbdulLatheefR
- aleksandr-shel
- BellantraBrest, Brittany, France
- chetannadaIndia
- cholnhialAustralia
- CoderBoy061Mitt Arv Technologies Private Limited
- DaltonOtineru
- devSahinurSparkTech Agency
- driver005
- EfeAgareAndela
- emmanz1995Lloyds Banking Group
- Flower-FSCUT
- furkanaygurEnforsec Inc.
- jhsalvesBrasilia, Brazil
- jinqili0310
- jrosales6213Riverside, Ca
- kishansomaiya
- lealp22Madrid
- LihueMaidanaAvaca
- lucianodiisouzaDecisiv
- Meanboy20
- mustapha1509Peculium
- pbagastamaMicroAd Indonesia
- pranjalnigam1
- qiangli-allscripts
- rafael-dias-mouraPortugal
- ruleenugroho
- ruturajpatra99
- ryuzvki221University of Quebec at Chicoutimi
- SanjaySinghRajpootIndia
- smasoudhosseiniSharif University of Technology
- Srinivas6238
- Srotoswini
- thedeveshpareekIndia
- Werayootkpanasonic