
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


To fix:

C:/ST/STM32CubeIDE_1.14.0/STM32CubeIDE/plugins/com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.gnu-tools-for-stm32.12.3.rel1.win32_1.0.0.202310241603/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/12.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: warning: l8_disco.elf has a LOAD segment with RWX permissions

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Not to link to a simple project no need to link source via a virtual folder.

To link source to a "project" within a Workspace the following will create a folder linking to an external folder:

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Setup a new project:

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Add all relaetated projects as references.

Need to add "source Location"

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