
Project Page for ExtendVS

MIT LicenseMIT

Add Your Extension to the Community Extensions list

We are looking for open source extensions to add to the Community Extension list. To add your extension, submit a Pull request on the index.html file in the gh-pages branch. To easily find the list, search for "CommunityExtensionList".

Create your own extensions for Visual Studio

Visual Studio is a fully extensible development platform. In addition to all of the powerful tools that it provides, you can also use tools written by the community as well as create your own tools. Visual Studio Extensions empower you to extend almost every part of Visual Studio:

  • Add menu items and toolbars items that activate functionality you build
  • Create tool windows that offer entirely new functionality
  • Provide IntelliSense for emerging programming languages
  • Offer light bulbs that help developers write better code
  • Integrate new project types into Visual Studio

For more information check out our [project page!] (http://microsoft.github.io/extendvs/)