- 0
Laravel 8 compatibility
#51 opened by francoisauclair911 - 1
Bearer Token and query parameter conflict
#47 opened by jvlppm - 2
Decode token
#34 opened by jokeronaldo - 9
Is this production ready?
#7 opened by jonagoldman - 2
Repository abandoned?
#46 opened by Xantios - 7
#6 opened by podluzhnyi - 5
How to logout/blacklist
#39 opened by grantholle - 1
Resolve user for token
#13 opened by AlexCatch - 1
Adding RS-256/512 JWT signature methods
#36 opened by phillip-elm - 1
manual .env key
#40 opened - 1
Typo in
#35 opened by salkz - 3
Genarate token for never expirate
#28 opened by Flavioamorim - 4
Find user by a combination of parameters or validate token in a different way (possible security issue)
#25 opened by jonagoldman - 8
\Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login not firing
#16 opened by imikemiller - 2
Method Codecasts\Auth\JWT\Console\KeyGenerateCommand::handle() does not exist
#30 opened by CrixuAMG - 1
Method issue() does not exist.
#33 opened by csonti4000 - 1
- 6
Redirect to [login] when JWT isn't sent?
#31 opened by jokeronaldo - 0
Don't forget config:clear!
#32 opened by sempixel - 0
Como funciona a função tokenFromUser ?
#29 opened by mateuschaves - 2
Erro no vendor:publish
#2 opened by sostenesgomes - 1
Can not use the email
#3 opened by zanjs - 6
- 7
Contributing guide
#19 opened by flyingluscas - 2
Package autodiscovery
#21 opened by joaomisturini - 1
Works for 5.5?
#14 opened by mgambati - 5
Can this be used with multiple guard?
#9 opened by testlogin12 - 0
jwt:generate doesn't work in Laravel 5.5
#12 opened by robmpreston - 1
jwt:generate not working
#10 opened by mits87 - 11
302 Redirect on Expired Token?
#8 opened by robmpreston